May 13, 2016


John 1

1: Community Divine

1,14: God Drawing Near

4: The Light of Life

5: Discipleship and Beach Crabbing

4-5: Living Giving Light

6-9: Testify to the Light of Life

9-11: Recognize and Receive

11: Loving Courageously

11-12: Peace Over Fear

14: God With Us, Jesus Our Personal Savior

16: Liberating Grace and Power of “I Can’t”The Life-Changing Power of God’s Grace, Wonder and Welcome

19-22: What Do You Say About Yourself?

29: No More Guilt

38: What Are You Looking For?

38-39: A Longing to be With Jesus

39: Disciples Are Made

41-42: Go and Tell

43-45: Found and Finding

45: Active With God, Know the Story

45-46: Come and SeePride and Prejudice

46,49: Doubter to Disciple

47-49: Seen by Jesus

50: Believing is Seeing, See Greater Things

50-51: Greater Things

John 2

1-2: True Love Marries

1-3: True Motherhood

1-5: Following Jesus as He Leads

3: Honor Mom

10: Best for Last

11: Presence and Provision, Ordinary Miracles

13-17: Commercializing Church

16: Created for Worship

19: Be Hopeful

John 3

2: Curious About God, Curious About Christ

3: Is Moral Christianity Enough?

7: New Birth, No Sin

7-8: Belief Brings Relief

8: Misconceptions About the Holy Spirit

14: Calculated Obedience

14-15: Look Up to Live

16: Compelling Love, Love GivesLove Radically Gives, Abiding in LOVE (part 2 of 3)

17: Jesus Came to Save not Condemn

18: Belief in God, The Freedom of Receiving Forgiveness

20-21: Evil Exposed

29: You Belong to Jesus

30: Elevate Jesus, Intimacy Increases Influence

30-31: Elevate Jesus

John 4

6, 31-32: Weary But Strong

7-9: Divine Appointments

9-10: An Illustration Not an Interruption

10: Source of Satisfaction

42: Hear For Yourself, Jesus Christ Your Savior

46-50: A Truer Word

49-50: A Father’s Growing Faith

49-53: The Greatest Miracle

John 5

2-6: Do You Want To Be Healed?

17: Still At Work

17-18: Equal to God

19: Follow Good Examples, God Reliant

30: Humility With The Father

39: Search the Scriptures

John 6

8-9: Caring Moms Need Care, Compassionate Moms Need Compassion

10-11: Audacious Faith

11-12: Make Do

14-15: King of Kings

24: Sailing Life Lessons, Life Lessons from Sailing

28-29: Work of GodThe Hard Work of Growing a Healthy Faith in God

31: He’ll Give You Manna for the Day

35: Come to Me

48-51: Soul Food

51: Facing Out

John 7

17: God’s Permissive Will

18: Honor God

33-34: Enemies of Jesus

37-39: Overcoming Obstacles

38-39: Unnoticed Influence

John 8

3-6: Good Controversy

3-8: Compassion Shows Mercy

7: Withhold Judgment

7-11: Liberated to Love

10-11: Second ChanceSpeaking Dignity

12: Spiritual Guide, Life-Giving Light

28: Who is Jesus?

30-31: Genuine Faith

31-32: Know the Truth, Spiritual Health

32: Go to What You Know

34-36: Freedom in Christ

36: Free to be Me

37: Do You Have Room For Jesus?

42-43, 47: Set Aflame

44: Tell the Truth

John 9

1-3: Keep Asking

4: Sense of Urgency

6-7: Unsolicited Blessings

26-27: Hearing and Listening

John 10

4-5: Know His Voice

9: Being and Doing

10: Quality of Life, When You Know There Has to Be Something More, Abundant Life, Living Life Has Risks, An Abundant New Year for You. The Abundant Life

14: Love Keeps Giving

25-28: A Sheepish Life

26-28: Am I Listening to the Lord?, Listen To The Lord’s Voice

27: Hear His Voice, Follow Jesus He Really Knows You, Follow God’s Voice, He Tells Us of Things to Come

John 11

3-4: God is With You in Your Trials

4: Sickness for God’s Glory, Sick of Being Sick, It’s Not About Your Trial

5-6: God’s Timing

19: Comfort in Loss

25-26: Trust and Verify

26-27: A Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

33-35: Walking with Someone in a Season of Loss

33-37: A Tear in Every Heart

34-36: Deep Love, Deep Sorrow

35-36: Tears Speak VolumesTears of Comfort, Energized by Love

41-42: Thankful for Answered Prayers

43-44: Divine ChristGod Glorified In Adversity

John 12

3: Undistracted Devotion, Impractical Generosity

3,7-8: A Beautiful Life

12-13: The God Who Saves Us

23-24: Death’s FruitThe Fruit From Christ’s Death on the Cross

24: Bearing Much Fruit

24-25: Die to Multiply, Self Sacrifice

26: Fan or Follower, Companionship With Christ, Stay Close to Jesus

32: Love Magnetic Pull

35-36: Fully Alive

42-43: Fear Represses Faith

46: Walk in the Light

John 13

3,5: Lead By ServingHumble Extra Mile Service

4-5: Serve and Love Others

5: Menial Tasks, Leadership in Adversity

7: Delayed Understanding

13: The Best Kind of Teacher

14-15: Out-Serve Your SpouseReciprocal Love Selflessly Serves

15: Model the Way

23-25: Closest to Jesus

26-27: Sacrificed SoulA Lost Soul in Need of the Cross

33: A Seeking Soul

34: At the Crossroad of Love and Self ProtectionYou Make a Difference Just by Being You, Created to Love One Another, The Joy of Bearing Your Mate’s Burdens

34-35: Loved to Love, Attractive Evangelism, A Little God-Lesson That Changed My LifeLoved by God to Love OthersYour Love Helps Others See God, As I Have Loved You, The Christian Brand

35: Why It’s Good to Ask for Help

37: Not Ready Yet

37-38: Under Promise-Over Deliver

John 14

1: Trusting Not Troubled

2: Home Sweet Home

5-7: The Only Way to God

6: Truth or Lies, The Only Way, The Only Way to God

9: Familiar But Not Intimate Faith

11: Showing Others What Jesus is Like, Radical Mentoring

13-14: You Can Ask Anything

15: Motivated by LoveIf You Love Me

15-17: Gift of the Spirit

16-17: God Supports You, Supernatural Comfort, Humility with the Holy Spirit

18: Freedom From Carrying Your Own Burdens, I Will Come To You

21: Trusting in God’s Goodness, Let Yourself Be Loved, Obedience the Fruit of Love

23: One Step at a Time

25-26: Educational Process

26: Spiritual Things Are Spiritually Discerned, The Holy Spirit is the Best Teacher, The Comforter

27: Lasting PeaceSurrendering to God’s MysteriesPeace of MindKeys to PeacePermanent PeaceTrust Brings Peace, A Legacy of Relational Peace

30-31: Prince of this World

31: Audience of One

John 15

1: A Leader’s Spiritual Life

1-2: Authentic Fruit

3-4: Life-Giving Invitations

4: Stay Put, Self-Reliant, Fruitful for God

5: Depend on God, Bear Much FruitMuch Fruit, Abiding Bears Much Fruit

8: How to Make a Big Impact on Others

9: Resting in God’s Love

9-10: Fathers Loved Well, Love Well, Fathers Who Are Loved Well—Love Well

9-11: Love is LovedLoved by The Lord to Love For The Lord

10: Don’t Stick Your Fingers in All the Chocolates

11: How to Experience Joy Every Day, Show Your Teeth!

12: Love Like Jesus

12-13: Consequences of Communion, Love Gives Life

12-14: No Greater Love

13: Growing a Greater Love, Love Shares Jesus’ Love, Wounded For Another, A Greater Love

14: Friendship with Jesus

14-15: Faithful Friends, Faithful Friends Leave A Residue Of Influence Even After Their Gone, The Most Faithful Friend

15: Ask in Jesus’ Name

18-19: Antagonists of FaithI Like to Be Liked

20: Overcoming Opposition

26: How to Live the Christian Life

26-27: Bear Witness

John 16

7: Leave Behind

8-11: Trust-Obey-Overcome

12: Limited Understanding

16: In A Little While

20: Joy’s Birth Pains, Grief Turned To Joy

20-22: Long Range Vision

21: A New Baby

21-22: Pain Mingled With Joy

22: Joy Bandits, Joy Wins, Grieving is Part of Healing

23: In Jesus’ Name, What Does It Mean To Pray In Jesus Name?

28: Voluntary Sacrifice

32: Lonely But Not Alone, Living Out of Being Loved

33: Problems With PeaceHow Belief and Trust Lead to PeacePeace During a ProblemWhen the Trial Seems Like Too Much, Peace Overcomes Panic, When You Experience Loss

John 17

4: Stay Focused, Godly Ambition

15: Guarded by God

15-18: Praying for Others, Become an Answer to Prayer

16: Finding Home

16-18: In Not Of

20-21: Prayer For Unity, Connected by Love

22-23: Family Unity, One in Christ…Love Unites

22-24: Becoming the Beloved (part 3 of 3)

23-24: God’s Pathway to Joy

24: Privilege of Dying

26: Enduring Love

John 18

6,8: Submit to Authority

25: Hope After Failure

26-27: Peace not Regrets

33: King Jesus

37-38: What is Truth

John 19

10-11: Principle Over Power

16-18: Good Friday

21-22: Written Words

25-26: A Mom’s Love

25-27: Mothers Show Up, A Mom’s Mothering, Care for Your Parents

26-27: Proximity Creates Opportunity

28: Mission Accomplished

30: Consciousness of Completion

36-37: Predictable Future

38-39: Secret and Public Faith

40: Buried with Christ

41: Life From Death

John 20

1, 11: Grief to Joy

6-8: Beautiful BoldnessGrow Older Grow Bolder

16: Fully Known and Fully Loved

John 21

1-2: Courage Needs Community

4-5: Laborious Work

7: Recognize the Lord

7-10: Perfectly Loved By Jesus

12-14: Jesus Serves Breakfast

15: Do You Love Me?

17: Qualified by Love

18: Youthful Energy and Ingenuity

18-19: Glorify God in Your Death

19-22: Freedom From Unhealthy Comparison

21-22: Being and Doing

22: You Follow Me!