May 31, 2010

No Greater Love

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today- May 31, 2010

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.” John 15:12-14

There is no greater love than to give a life in order to save life. In the case of war, the canvas of history is painted with good people who— out of love for country and countrymen— gave their lives to protect the lives of those they loved. The ultimate sacrifice of self is the giving of one’s life on behalf of something of great value.

This pattern of Christ’s love is proof of our love for people. Soldiers of faith, who sacrifice their lives for people they have never met, do so because of Christ’s higher call of love. If we love liberty, if we love freedom, if we love democracy, if we love our inalienable rights, if we love each other, if we love God—we honor those who went to war to extend these values at home and abroad. Love lays down its life for what’s right.

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers” (1 John 3:16).

This is why mothers are motivated to spend a lifetime giving a life of love for their family. They teach their children character and model for them its application. This is why fathers work as unto the Lord with passion and dedication, so that they can provide for their family. This is why some friends even sacrifice their health in order to serve the unhealthy. Christians give sacrificially: because faith, hope and love are their motivation.

Does our heart break for what breaks the heart of Jesus? Do we give up comforts in order to comfort? Do we die to self, so we can give ourselves? If so, love will triumph and trump war at home, war at work and war overseas. Love never fails to get the right results, the right way. Memorials are built where a greater love gave itself for a greater good. Remember the fallen that gave us freedom of religion. Thank God for their heroics.

However, the cross is the ultimate memorial for freedom. Thanks be to God that His great love came to us even when we were enemies of His. “For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life” (Romans 5:10)!

Where is the Lord calling me to give my life? Who can I honor that gave themselves, so I can enjoy my freedoms?

Related Readings: 2 Samuel 10:12; Romans 5:7; Galatians 4:15; Philippians 2:15


  1. Johnny says:

    Hi There! (1st time writing)

    No greater love than to give your life for another -and there’s also Love your neighbor as yourself (“AS” denoting Equally As Much as yourself -though seems impossible) –as also conveyed in the following: and how self-love turns More So than other-love: ………

    You stressed love as sacrificial (other-centered) but also noted Inalienable -and that is Self-Preservational (uppermost self-regard -until threat is gone) ……..they both are polar opposite: so how do they both gel -and with God’s Approval?

    Thanks for your expound in reply & for anybody else who feels to reply too;
    God Bless You All

  2. admin says:


    Jesus states in Matthew 22:37-39 three applications of love: God, people, ourselves. Christ’s commands are sometimes both/and verses either/or.

    Hope this helps,


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