December 9, 2020

King of Kings

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – December 9, 2020

After the people saw the sign Jesus performed, they began to say, “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.” Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself. John 6:14-15

Jesus resisted being made king—He withdrew to a mountain by Himself to pray to His Father about a Kingdom not of this world. Why did the people seek to make Jesus king? Because of what He could do for them—He had just fed the 5,000, so they could see Him taking care of their suffering under the tyranny of unjust rulers. Jesus also called out His disciples who sought to make Him king so they might enjoy the power of being on the ruling council—the Cabinet! Politics and policy were not the purpose of Christ coming—forgiveness and eternal life were His Kingdom platform. He came to seek and to save, for us to have life and have it more abundantly!

Jesus wore a crown of thorns to show us our suffering servant who ruled in love by laying down His life for all. Our Lord was mockingly dressed in a royal robe of this world by jealous critics. The garment revealed the filthy rags of human righteousness, yet His royal blood shed on the cross would make it white as snow. Even to the end, Jesus Christ was branded King of the Jews by those who knew Him not—His own who received Him not—and the powerful who feared He vied for their power. A king who endured humiliation and mockery—and His retaliation was regal mercy!

“Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place” (John 18:36).

Will you be like the wise magi on Christmas Day who sought to give gifts to the newborn King? Your best gift is to give Him reign over your life. You crown Jesus King over your life for His Kingdom, not yours—for His purposes, not yours—and for His glory, not yours. There exists a divine dominion that calls followers of Christ to lift high their banner of love unified around mercy, justice and grace. Make God great again, so His Kingdom comes and His will be done.

Resist making Jesus King over earthly kingdoms and instead help every knee bow to Jesus as King over their hearts, since one day all will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Help others seek first God’s Kingdom and all kingdoms of this world will fade in significance—while loving what God loves will capture fully the most noble affections. A loyal kingdom citizen serves at the pleasure of the King—and loves what He loves. One day the King of Kings will restore all kingdoms. As you wait, witness in the Spirit’s power!

“Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:6-7).


Heavenly Father, I pray your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in Jesus’ name, amen.


How can I be an influence for God’s Kingdom in my community transforming one heart at a time?

Related Reading

Psalm 2:4-12; Micah 5:2-6; 1 Corinthians 15:22-26; Hebrews 1:1-4, 10:12-14

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There exists a divine dominion that calls followers of Christ to lift high their banner of love unified around mercy, justice and grace. #king #wisdomhunters #truth #Jesus

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