May 13, 2016


Romans 1

7: Become Saints

8: Faith Inspires Faith

11-12: Complementary Gifts Benefit Everyone

16: No Shame

17: Is Praying it Safe Best?When God Asks, Say Yes

24-27: Feelings Tamed by Trust in God

Romans 2

21: Teach Yourself

Romans 3

1: Good Government

22-24: Racism Buried Alive

23-24: Why Desperation is a Good Thing

Romans 4

17: Things That Don’t Exist

24: Jesus Christ Your Lord

Romans 5

3-5: Character in Crisis

3-4: Suffering Seeks Hope

5: Embrace Hope Over Shame

6-8: What’s Your Worth?, Necessary Endings

8: Can God Use Even You?

12-13: The Original Pandemic

Romans 6

1-2: Responsible Grace

4: Beautiful Baptism, Living in Resurrection Power

5-8: No Longer Slaves

6: Freed Up From Sin, Joyful Freedom in Christ

6-7: You Do You

13: Your Body Has Potential

22-24: Fundamental Flaw

Romans 7

13: A Little Sin, Take Sin Seriously

14-15: Vulnerable Love

15: How Can I Overcome My Struggle For Daily Time With God?

18-19,25: Distrust Yourself

Romans 8

1: Forgive YourselfHave You Truly Forgiven Yourself?, Should’ve Syndrome

1-2: Release Pain, Receive Healing

5-6: Spirit Controlled Thinking

6: The Trap of Striving to Succeed

10-11: Holy Spirit Strength

12-13: The One Thing You Need to Admit to Experience Personal Transformation

14: Led by the Spirit

14-16: Spirit-Led Leadership

15: No Longer Slaves to Fear

19: When You Feel That Ache of Dissatisfaction

21: Free from the Bondage of People Pleasing

22-23: Courageous, Not Anxious

26-27: Spirit Led PrayingLearning to Pray, Holy Spirit Prayers for You

27,34: Aligned With God

28: When You’re Thrust Into a Role You Don’t Want, Cancer’s Lessons in Generosity, He is Never “Un-Blessing” You

31: What’s Your Opportunity in Your Mess?, What God Wants For You

31-39: God Loves You

32: The Best Kind of Love

35-37: Triumph Over Tragedy, He Does It All in Love

37: You Are MoreNon-Victim Mindset, Living as an Overcomer

38: God Is For You

38-39: Abiding in LOVE (part 2 of 3)

Romans 9

17-18: God’s Glory and Our Joy in Waiting

23: Merciful, not Mad

Romans 10

9-10: Heart Knowledge

11: Living by Faith for What’s Behind

17: Eradication of Gospel Poverty, End Gospel Poverty

Romans 11

33: Depth Leads to Breadth

36: God Still Wants to Use You

Romans 12

1: Complete Worship

1-2: Spiritual Worship

2: Unlearn Untruths, Mind Renewal, Discerning God’s Will, Mind MarginYou Have the Power to Change, Transformed by Christ in Silence and Solitude, Love Gives Relational Life, Mental Margin

3: To Sensitive, Sober Self-Assessment, A Humble Self-Assessment

3-4: Share Credit, Take Blame

4-5: Team Sport

5: One Another, Love Needs Another

6: Gift of Teaching, Strengths and Struggles, Uniquely Gifted by God

6-7: Gift of Service, Gift of Prophecy

8: Gift of Leadership, Good Leaders Follow, Gift of Exhortation, Gift of Giving, Gift of Mercy

9: How to Develop a Loving, Trusting Relationship

9-10: Sincere Love, Not About Me, Relational Equity, Genuine Love

10: Four Ways to Bring Out the Best in Others, Devoted to One Another, Love and Honor, Honor One AnotherHumility is Other Centered / Pride is Self CenteredHow to Grow Meaningful Relationships, Assume The Best, Love Sees Potential, Love Honors Another, Love is Devoted to Another, A Big Key to Building a Great Marriage, Prefer to Defer, Outdo One Another, Who is right?

11-12: Spiritual Fervor

12: Faithful in Prayer, Joyful in Hope, Patient Affiliation, Moms to Be, Learning to Persevere, Is Patience a Virtue?

12-13: Practice Hospitality

13: Practice Genuine Hospitality (Part One of Two), Practice Genuine Hospitality (Part Two of Two), Love Practices Hospitality

14: Unhealthy Ways to Manage Relational Conflict, The Freedom of Loving Your Enemies

14-16: Emotional Generosity

15: Joy and Sorrow, Weep With Those Who Weep, International Bereaved Mother’s Day

16: Live in Harmony

17: Productive Not Destructive Conflict

18: Peacemakers Forgive First, Deeper Love Can Grow from Conflict, When Someone Confronts You

19: Pay Back

21: Good Overcomes Evil, Overcome Evil

Romans 13

8: Love One AnotherWhy You Should Stay in Debt, Appreciation Shows His Love

11: Denying Denial

13: Walk in Purity

14: Mastering Unhealthy Emotions

Romans 14

1: Disputable Matters

15: What’s Best

Romans 15

1-2, 7: Love Receives

4: Why History Repeats Itself, Patience and Comfort

7: Accept One Another, Love Accepts Another

13: God of HopeOverflowing Hope From the Holy Spirit, Hope Brokers, Desperation is a Gift, Aiming For an Uncomplicated Christmas, Choosing Joy in the Deepest Pain

14: Admonish One Another, Love Questions Foolishness

21: Are You Called to Missions?

30-33: Refreshed by Others

Romans 16

20: Not Ruined, But Redeemed