October 15, 2012

Gift of Teaching

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today- October 15, 2012

“If it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach.” Romans 12:6

Gifted teachers love examining, interpreting and explaining the Holy Scriptures. They can instruct in their area of expertise, but they especially enjoy bringing out the meaning of the Bible. Context is critical for teachers, because the integrity of rightly dividing the word of truth is fundamental. Teachers love to ask, what was the reader thinking and experiencing? Why did the Holy Spirit inspire the exact Hebrew or Greek word? Teachers thrive at knowing the “why” behind the word.

If you are a Spirit-filled teacher you embrace the need for dependency on God in understanding His intended message. The same Holy Spirit that originally inspired the penning of the Bible’s profound writings is the same Holy Spirit that illuminates its meaning to modern day teachers. Your teaching gift positions you to perceive God’s heart through your humble heart. Beyond an academic exercise is a divine encounter. The best teachers are students of the Spirit’s teachings.

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26

Are you using your gift of teaching for God’s glory? Is it time for you to take a step of faith and teach for the first time or to step back into the role of teaching? Yes, teachers have a higher standard to live by because they know the truth and are accountable to apply the truth personally. The enemy will not sit still when you take a stand to affirm the claims of Christ. He will assault you with shame so you don’t feel worthy to teach the Word, but in Christ you are creditable.

Moreover, your teaching gift is a gift for students hungry for Scripture. Like infants desire milk and adults enjoy meat, you are Christ’s chef to serve up a variety of menu items that educate in His principles for living. So, set your teaching table with a heart prepared in prayer and a mind equipped in study. Be concise, clear and compelling, and you will never lack an audience. Teach out of your weakness and whatever the Lord’s teaching you, and you will never need content. Be humble, be bold, be honest, admit mistakes and never stop learning. Teach, to make God smile.

“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” James 3:1

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me, so I can humbly teach Your children.

Related Readings: Ephesians 4:11; Romans 2:21; 2 Timothy 4:3; Hebrews 5:12

Post/Tweet: The best teachers of Scripture are students of the Spirit’s teachings. #teaching

Know your gift? Get a free “Spiritual Gifts Assessment” http://bit.ly/P4FYlw


  1. Sheri Casey says:

    I receive your daily emails, look forward to reading them and always take something away from it.
    Thanks so much!

  2. Do you happen to have this new devotional in Spanish that I could take and give away in Cuba?

    Doug Springer

  3. Jan says:

    Will it come in app form?

  4. patricia lebo says:

    “Tears are a liquid bridge to the Lord…” For almost a year I have been waking up to His Word, coffee and the words He gives you to bring wise, insightful and useful matter-of-fact life applications. Poetic, practical and pragmatic–your devotionals help me find the road He would like for me to travel daily. Thank you. Can’t wait for Book II.

  5. Fannie Lowe says:

    We should never stop being taught for it is through what we learn, we teach.

  6. Boyd says:

    Doug, We hope to translate it to Spanish in the future but right not now it will be released in English. God Bless! – Boyd

  7. Boyd says:

    Jan, We plan to release it in various e-Book formats but not in an App. We’ll announce more details in November. God Bless! Boyd

  8. Boyd says:

    Patricia, Thank you, I’m honored the Lord has been using these devotionals in your life. As you continue to learn and grow in wisdom, I’d love to hear more. Drop me a note here: https://www.wisdomhunters.com/share-your-wisdom-story/ In Him, Boyd

  9. Boyd says:

    Thank you Sheri! God Bless, Boyd

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