May 13, 2016


Galatians 1

10: Idol of ApprovalMoving Forward in the Face of CriticismWhen You Walk Alone With God’s Approval, You Can Because He Says You Can, Finding Freedom in God’s Approval

13: Persecuted Christians

15-16: Becoming God’s Beloved

Galatians 2

9: Have The Faith To Be Agreeable

20: Is It Okay to Make Plans for Your Dreams?If I Am a New Creation, Why Don’t I Always Trust God?How to Let Go and Let GodWhy Nothing You Give Up for Christ is Ever LostTraits Of A Trusting Heart, Walking by Faith

Galatians 3

1-3: Spirit Living

6: Jumping Off a Bridge and Trusting God

11: Righteousness is From Faith to Faith

26-28: Racial Healing

Galatians 4

4-6: Child of Love

13-14: Shared Suffering

19-20: Time For A Change In Approach?

Galatians 5

4-5: Grace Based Living

7: A Nimble Faith

13: Serve One Another, Love Serves in Humility

14: Give Yourself Permission

14-15: Feeling Unloved

22: Fruit of Peace, Fruit of Love, Fruit of Goodness, Fruit of Kindness, Fruit of Forbearance, Fruit of Joy

23: Fruit of Gentleness, Fruit of Self-Control, Fruit of Faithfulness

24: Should You Be Passionate?, Conquer Your Passions

24-25: Spiritual Living, Spirit Led Living

25: Spiritual Living, The Joy of Keeping in Step with the Spirit

Galatians 6

1: Moral Failure, Watch Yourselves

1-2: A Spirit of Gentleness

2: Bearing Burdens, Healing Through Community

8-9: Moral Fatigue, Lose Heart

9: Patient Perseverance 

9-10: Saved to Serve

10: Church Social Justice, Social JusticeTime’s a Wastin’

14-16: Walk By This Rule