May 13, 2016

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 1

2: Essential Mentorship

5: Looking Back

7: Kicking the Worry Habit

9-11: Institutionalism of Sin

15: Humility Not HubrisRobe Humility / Disrobe Hubris, Humility and Sin

16: Sudden Conversion / Gradual Growth

17: Thankful Praise to God, Not Proud Praise of Ourselves

1 Timothy 2

1-2: Kings and Presidents, A Quiet Life, Say Your Prayers

1-4: Do You Pray Big Prayers?

4: Relationship Over Religion

5-6: Christ’s Relational Mediation

1 Timothy 3

2-3: Respectable Leaders

6: Leadership Maturity Takes Time

1 Timothy 4

1-2: Cling to Christ with a Clear Conscience

4-5: Finding God in Everyday Life

7b-8: Godly TrainingHow to Get the Most Out of Life

8: Spiritual Fitness, Spiritual Health

12: Set an Example

1 Timothy 6

3-7: A Year of Contentment

6-7: Contentment is a State of the Heart

8-9: Rich People Problems

10: Money and Marriage

11-12: Fight Club

17: Uncertainty of Wealth