June 30, 2020

With God It Gets Better

Written by Shana Schutte

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – June 30, 2020

For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.  Isaiah 65:17    

Have you been feeling anxious about what is happening in our world? If so, you’re not alone. Lately I’ve been thinking more about Christ’s return, and like many people, I’ve started to wonder if this is the beginning of the end, before things get really difficult on the earth (Isaiah 13:11Malachi 4:1-3Joel 2:11Revelation 6:15-17).  

With that in mind, it’s tempting to focus on disaster, to become afraid about the tribulation—without remembering God’s good and ultimate plan.  

Acts 3:21 says, “He [Jesus] must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.” 

Isn’t it awesome that all things will be restored after the tribulation? Not some things. Not a few things. All things. Everything God has created that has been touched by sin and death will be restored and He will make all things the way He originally intended. (This makes me want to do a happy dance!) 

The earth and everything in it will be made new. The government will change, and our relationship with God will be the way it was meant to be from the beginning.  

Relationships will no longer be filled with strife or pain. Plants, people, and animals will no longer die. Work won’t be filled with struggle. We will walk with Him and He will walk with us. Love will abound and we will be whole.  

Revelation 21:4 says, “There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things [will] have passed away.” 

Christ followers know that this—and the forthcoming troubles—are not the end of the story. Even though things are going to get far worse on the earth and trials will increase, what is happening now is just the beginning of getting to the good stuff. Ultimately, it’s only going to get better. It’s going to be sooo good. 

And this will all happen at the perfect time. Paul said it’s “the time” when restoration will happen. God has it all planned for the ultimate good of humanity. 

Yes, things will get bad before then. More trials will come—but after the end and Jesus returns, all things will be renewed and the trouble will be remembered no more. 

What an amazing and wonderful God we serve—and how glorious and fun it’s going to be! Praise Him! 

“There shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him” (Revelation 22:3).


Lord, how exciting and how I praise you that just because things look bad now doesn’t mean they will stay that way. And just because they are going to get worse doesn’t mean that’s the end of the story. You have a perfectly unfolding plan and it’s going to be so beautiful. How I praise you, Jesus!


Give your worries about the future to the Lord and focus on the good that is coming.

Related Reading

Isaiah 55:7; Ezekiel 36: 33, 35; Revelation 2:7

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More trials will come—but after the end and Jesus returns, all things will be renewed and the trouble will be remembered no more. #WisdomHunters #better #truth #Jesus

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