January 1, 2011

Wisdom Seekers

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today- January 1, 2011

“The whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart.” 1 Kings 10:24

Wisdom is a cherished commodity. People are drawn to wisdom. It is attractive and winsome. Wisdom represents a word from the Lord so its value is enormous. Wisdom is one reason we attend church, listen to good Bible teaching, and engage with older mentors. Wisdom has to be sought out and asked for. It doesn’t come naturally; it’s a gift from God (Proverbs 2:6). Wisdom is precious and extremely valuable.

It is a gift that protects you from decisions that could haunt you for a lifetime. It is a gift that gives you the confidence to carry on or stop. Wisdom is a weapon God wields on behalf of his warriors. Wisdom cuts through confusion, and replaces it with clarity. It distills decisions into a sequence of small successes. It warns of impending danger.

The wise, however, are not immune to sin. A wise man or woman still needs accountability, maybe more so. Indeed, the wise are susceptible to pride (Jeremiah 9:23). A wise heart intermingled with pride thinks it can rise above the rules. It can be so subtle in the beginning, but its inner convictions begin to rot like a termite-infested foundation.

If pride is not kept in check, it will convert wisdom into cockiness. Sad is the state of a once-wise leader who allowed pride to water down his fear of God. Wisdom is God’s gift to carry out his Kingdom-initiatives. If spent on oneself, it becomes self-serving. So seek out the truly wise, those whose top priority is God.

A mutated wisdom suffers from spiritual malpractice, but a pure strain of wisdom gives spiritual life. It is wisdom—coupled with humility and obedience to God—that prepares us to finish well. Authentic wisdom is appropriate in all situations. Search for it in the Bible, or through books, people, circumstances, film, life experiences, and creation.

Once you find it, don’t take it for granted. Thank God for wise outcomes. Use it for His glory and for His purposes. Allow wisdom to humble you, rather than give you a sense of superiority. We are all seekers of God’s wisdom. We will seek it until we get to heaven.

Wisdom is active and alive, and always in need of a fresh infusion from God. Use prayer as a bridge to the wisdom of God. Ask Him often for His perspective and His heart on the matter (James 1:5). Allow wisdom to draw you closer to your heavenly Father in worship and dependence on Him. Dedicate often your wise intentions to Him. Keep your heavenly Father as your filter for wise decision-making.

Be a generous dispenser of wisdom to others. Make time for people to get to know your heart, and understand the life-lessons God has forged into your faith (1 Kings 4:34). We all have wisdom we can offer to others. Carve out time just to listen to another’s travails. Their “top of mind” issues need attention. Be available to listen patiently with understanding, and then, in humility, offer options for their consideration. Wisdom is polite. It gives answers to all, when asked in a spirit of grace, as a fellow wisdom-seeker.

Seek wisdom and give wisdom—wisdom motivated by humble submission to God.

Taken from the January 1st reading in Seeking Daily the Heart of God

Join me and your fellow wisdom hunters, as we walk where Jesus walked in Israel and Egypt, April 27 – May 8, 2011. Visit http://wisdomhunters.com/holyland2011/ for more details. Limited spaces available, deadline to sign up is January 14th.

Learn how you can help us reach other Wisdom Hunters with your monthly donation… click here: http://wisdomhunters.com/support-wh/


  1. Toni Aull says:

    Is my WEDDING DRESS and my ARMOR
    They both speak with……. Influence

  2. Linda Calhoun says:

    I love the writings and devotionals of this ministry. I just learned of this ministry through the Bible app.. Thank you for your contribution.

  3. Gwynne says:

    Dear Linda,
    Thank you so much for reaching out to us. We are so thankful that you “found us”. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments as you become more familiar with the devotionals and our ministry. Check out our website http://www.wisdomhunters.com to learn more about the ministry. In the meantime, welcome to the Wisdom Hunter’s family!
    Grateful for you,
    “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.” Psalm 67: 1-2

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