August 5, 2023

Whatever You Do

Written by Tripp Prince

We must embrace a far more expansive view of our Lord’s work in our world and in our lives.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – August 5, 2023

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24, NKJV

Though these words are some of the most well-loved of St. Paul’s writings, it is far too easy to receive them as a nice sentiment and go along living as though they have no impact upon our day to day lives. Yes, we know we serve the Lord Jesus and not men, and yet, we seem to be surrounded by people of power everywhere we turn, people who demand our allegiance, loyalty, and obedience. How do we navigate the very real world of jobs, bosses, and duties, while still clinging to Paul’s command to work unto the Lord?

We must begin by embracing a far more expansive view of our Lord’s work in our world and in our lives. Since Jesus cannot be seen, it is tempting to believe that he is uninvolved and unconcerned with the daily realities of life, especially in its more mundane expressions. Jesus cares about my eternal soul, we say, but what interest does he have in a verbally abusive boss or in my dead-end career? 

Earlier in this same letter, Paul reminds the Colossian church that in Christ, God is reconciling “all things to Himself” (Colossians 1:20). This is the heart of Jesus’ mission in the world- putting back together all that is lost and broken, healing and restoring so that the whole of the world is able to participate in the perfect union with God that was intended before our rebellion in the Garden. As such, I am convinced that “all things” means just that: all things, including the daily grind!

How can you cultivate an eye that sees the hand of God at work in your daily life? Look for ways to intentionally invite the Lord into moments of workplace tension, family dysfunction, or interpersonal conflict. Of course, we must remember that he is already there and needs no invitation! However, our Lord does not force himself upon us but waits for us to respond to his constant invitation of love and relationship. He is present in everything we do. Are we willing to seek a greater awareness of his nearness, and offer every moment of every day back to him as an act of worship, thanksgiving, and praise?


Father, help us to see your guiding hand in every part of our lives, trusting that you are near to us and with us in all things, working them together for our good, we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.


At the end of the day today, ask yourself these two questions: “What did God do for me today?” and “What did I do for God?”

Related Reading

Psalm 90:17; John 6:27; Ephesians 6:7

Worship Resource

Jon Guerra: Kingdom of God


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