October 22, 2015

Steadfast Love

Written by Tripp Prince

Steadfast Love 10.22

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – October 22, 2015

Guest Writer: Meet my son-in-law Tripp Prince. We are blessed to have him as our guest writer.

Let those who are wise give heed to these things, and consider the steadfast love of the Lord. Psalm 107:43

In Psalm 107, the psalmist issues a challenge to his readers: if you want to be wise, consider the steadfast love of God. And as those who seek wisdom, this is a challenge that we should take to heart! Yet, we must ask ourselves, what does it truly mean to “consider the steadfast love of the Lord?” As nice as this phrase may sound, what does this actually look like in practice, day by day in our lives at home, work, and play?

It is hard to overestimate the way culture shapes and informs our understanding of love. Whether it’s the movies we watch, books we read, or social networks we engage in, each one is telling us what we should expect to receive love and give in return, and with few exceptions, we are taught that love is transactional, temporary, and turbulent. So often, we view love as a form of self-improvement; something that enriches our lives or makes us better, and as long as it fulfills this goal, we stick with it. We often go into relationships expecting them to end in pain and heartbreak, yet we simply shrug this off and say “It was good while it lasted.”

When the psalmist invites us to consider the love of God, he is inviting us to reject this cultural understanding of love and reframe our expectations in light of God’s steadfast love.

The word for God’s love in Hebrew is hesed, and it’s a hard word to translate into English. Steadfast love or unfailing love come the closest, yet neither exhaust the depth of this love that God has for his people. It is a love in which our creator God has covenanted himself to us. It is a love that extends to us even when we are unlovable, when we turn our backs on him and choose to reject his love.

God gives himself fully to those he loves, sending his own son to become like us, to live, die, and rise again that we might know the depths of his steadfast and unfailing love. When we look to Jesus, we learn what it means to be loved perfectly, and his love then reframes our understanding of every other relationship. The love of God shown in Jesus shows us how to love our spouses, parents, siblings, and friends. It teaches us to live our lives freely for the sake of others, to live as gift givers who have already received the greatest gift.

Prayer: Father, thank you for the steadfast and unfailing love shown to us in Jesus. Help us to open our hearts to receive from you and then share your love with a world in need.

Application: What do I need to know, understand and apply about the Lord’s steadfast love for me?

Related Readings: Genesis 17:1-8; John 3:16; Gal. 2:20; 1 John 3:1

Post/Tweet this today: The love of God shown in Jesus shows us how to love the unlovable. #steadfastlove #wisdomhunters

Worship Resource: 4 minute video- Big Daddy Weave: Every Time I Breathe

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