November 20, 2011

Mentor Mentors

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today- November 20, 2011

“He made him master of his household, ruler over all he possessed, to instruct his princes as he pleased and teach his elders wisdom.”  Psalm 105:21-22

Some are ready to mentor mentors. It is a little scary and you never feel totally qualified, but it is the right thing to do. The timing is right to go for it. You are a leader of leaders. You are a man’s man. You are a woman’s woman. It is time that you became very selective of those into whom you pour your life. You choose to mentor mentors because you know they are serious about developing others into passionate followers of Jesus Christ. These are men and women who serve their families, who build leaders at work and who press hard after God.

Some already mentor. You are not trying to get them to mentor; instead, you are affirming them and providing them with mentoring resources. Even mentors need encouragement and a fresh perspective. Mentors are on the front lines being shot at. They need another respected leader to assure them it is worth it. They need someone to help bind up their wounds, decorate them with a medal of courage, and commission them back into battle.

No mentor can survive alone. They need the community of other like-minded mentors. They need someone to look up to, someone they respect and can learn from. Learning is the essence of mentoring. One truth you pass on to budding mentors is the valuable lesson of selectivity. Young mentors need to avoid time wasters. If a man is not faithful in his commitments, do not use God’s good time to chase him down.

There are too many others who value time with a mentor. Help these “wet behind the ear” mentors hold those in whom they invest to a higher standard criteria. Faithfulness is in the vortex of that qualification, because without faithfulness, they will grow frustrated to the point of giving up. Give them the freedom— even encourage them—to walk away from the unfaithful.

Time is very precious and life is too short, so it is imperative we spend our time reproducing other mentors. Pray for people who will carry the mentoring torch long after you are gone. Look for people who are already influencers in their circle of relationships. These may be people who are mentoring and are not even aware of their influence. In some ways these oblivious mentors are the best kind to be mentored. They are naturally gifted by God for this role. People automatically go to them for counsel and advice. They already serve as a personal coach for others.

Your role as a mentor of mentors is to affirm their current role as an informal mentor and to provide them with a little more structure. Help them balance spontaneity with structure. Indeed, both are critical to the mentoring process. Another good relational investment in mentors can be found in a retreat environment. Go away for a night or two and allow participants to discuss what is and what is not working in their current mentoring situations. Keep it to a small group of no more than ten so you can begin building a community of mentors. Retreats provide laser-beam focus on learning and encouraging.

Lastly, and most importantly, mentors need spiritual discipline. Help them understand and follow the ways of God. The wisdom of God goes a long way in equipping mentors. To the degree you stay fresh and hungry for God, your mentors will stay fresh and hungry for God. Discuss the Word together, memorize the Word together and apply the Word together. Submit to your younger mentor’s accountability and ask them to do the same. Mentor mentors, because they need it. Mentor mentors, because you need it. Mentor mentors for the sake of future mentors. Mentor mentors, and watch God multiply your influence exponentially for His glory!

Taken from Dose 75 in the 90-day devotional book, Infusion.


  1. Sharon Winters says:

    Dear Boyd Bailey: Thank you and the Lord for your ability to be such an amazing wisdom hunter! I am extending my encouragment and support to you, one of my mentors. I am a wisdom seeker and you have definitely found me!
    Sharon Winters, MD

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