May 6, 2013

Love Initiates

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today- May 6, 2013

Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? Luke 15:4

Love takes the lead in looking out for the needs of another. Grace is a prayerful process of anticipating how someone may be hurting or feeling insecure in their loneliness. Love does not wait until a suffering soul solicits relief, rather compassion is a cure in search of a wounded spirit. Friends or family may wander away to do their own thing, but love keeps up with them. Mercy connects creatively with a cavalier comrade. Love leaves the many to care for the one.

Is one person really worth our effort? Absolutely! Jesus died for us as individuals. A schoolmate or relative probably reached out to us when we were outside the faith. Yes, our prayers for a single soul need to be followed up with expressions of their worth to God and to us. Your love is irresistible in its affect on those sucked into the world’s system. Thus, give without expecting anything in return and you will see some return to their Savior. Go love for God.

For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. Ezekiel 34:11

Moreover, your Heavenly Father is relentless in His love for you. Sin may have scattered you to the fringes of His green pastures, but He still desires you. Your soul may feel distant from faith’s security, if so, surrender back to your Great Shepherd’s care. If your confidence is crippled let Christ lift you in His arms of love and carry you back to the care of His faith community. The Lord of the Universe is concerned about your one concern, so cast your cares on Your Lover.

Above all, receive the love of the Lord and the love of others. Pride resists help, but humility invites support from Jesus and His followers. Love retained is hope regained. Other green pastures beyond the fence posts of faith are a fallacy. Nothing can compete with Christ’s love. Allow Him to shepherd your soul through anger, conflict, rejection and disrespect. Your Heavenly Father initiates love for you, so you can propagate His love to lost people. Love initiates!

He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they will live securely. Micah 5:4

Prayer: Heavenly Father thanks for pursing me when I drift away from your love and care.

Related Readings: Psalm 23:1-6,  119:176; Jeremiah 31:10; Luke 19:10; Hebrews 13:10

Post/Tweet today: Pride resists help, but humility invites support from Jesus and His followers. Love retained is hope regained. #love

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© 2013 by Boyd Bailey. All rights reserved.
Wisdom Hunters Resources / A registered 501 c3 ministry /


  1. Beverly Gosc says:

    Please do not send me any more devotions. I can not donate to this. Thank you.

  2. Alan Schlienz says:

    An extremely valuable person in my life, forwarded todays, Heartfelt Forgiveness. I was speechless, to not only have her forgive me, but also the chance to read such a strong message. This person who sent this to me, really brought me back to my faith because I had pulled away after my divorce. To wake up and be “forgiven” brought me to tears, such an amazing way to start my day and get this message from someone that I thought was gone from my life since last August. I have prayed daily this person would not only forgive me but also allow me to show her just how much I respect, trust and love.

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