January 1, 2022

Looking Ahead

Written by Tripp Prince

God is at work in your life, in seen and unseen ways, breathing life into places of death and decay.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – January 1, 2022

Light is sweet; how pleasant to see a new day dawning. Ecclesiastes 11:7, NLT

Though we may be weary and tired of the overemphasis on new year’s resolutions, with the countless promotions and discounts that hit us this time of year, there is undoubtedly a seed of truth within these messages: a new year brings us the gift of a fresh start. While we surely carry with us the stories and moments of our past, there is a mercy in the reset of the calendar. You and I do not become new people overnight, but January 1st brings with it the reminder that change is possible.

What change do you desire that is only possible if God shows up?

This is the question I pose to you today and invite you to reflect upon further as we head into a new year. There are countless ways we can all pursue self-improvement, from diet and exercise to hobbies and volunteerism, yet none of these are distinctly Christian nor directly tied to a life of faith. You don’t have to be a Christian to join a gym or help out at the local school! As such, though these improvements are helpful and indeed worthy of our time and attention, they will not bring the lasting change and transformation that we so deeply desire. 

It is easy to set goals that we feel we can achieve, and in fact this is a natural and normal response. However, our Lord Jesus reminds us that in him the impossible is possible. The certainty and finality of death is overcome by the power of his resurrection. As such, if the dead are raised, what new day might be dawning in your own life that you swore would never come? 

As we together look ahead to a new year, regardless of your past or current trials, it is possible for this to be a year filled with renewed hopes and dreams. Because Christ has conquered sin and death, we are able to join our hearts with Psalm 126:3 and say, “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”

 In addition to any other goals or resolutions you may set over the coming days, let every decision and action be animated and shaped by the foundational truth that God is at work in your life, in seen and unseen ways, breathing life into places of death and decay.


Father, help us find our hope in you and you alone, trusting that you lead and guide us into this new year, we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.


In prayer, reflect upon this question today: What change do you desire that is only possible if God shows up?

Related Reading

Psalm 118:24; Lamentations 3:22-23; Romans 13:12

Worship Resource

Good Shepherd Music Collective: The Sun Will Rise


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