May 9, 2024

Keeping the Goal in Mind

Written by Tripp Prince

If our goals are too small, they will fail to bring about genuine transformation.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – May 9, 2024

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14, NIV

On a recent Uber ride to the airport, I encountered a remarkably inspirational man. As I was talking to my driver, he began to share the story of his physical transformation, losing 165 pounds over the course of 8 months. Due to his obesity, doctors had told him his organs were beginning to shut down and there was nothing that they could do for him. You’d think this news alone would be sufficient motivation to bring about a change in lifestyle, but he said something that stood out to me that I continue to reflect upon now several days later. “It wasn’t my own well-being that motivated me. It was the fact that my wife and I had a baby daughter that had just been born, and I realized I had to make a change if I was going to be around for her.”

The radical change this man experienced was rooted in a motivation bigger than himself. If our goals are too small and self-oriented, they will fail to bring about the transformation we truly desire. We must have a vision of something or someone outside of ourselves that motivates our hearts and animates our actions. For this man, his love for his daughter compelled him and called him into a new way of life.

In Philippians 3, Paul famously speaks of “pressing on toward the goal.” I thought of this verse as I made my way ever closer to the airport with my new friend. For him, his ability to conquer his demons and climb what seemed to be an insurmountable obstacle was directly tied to the clarity of his vision and the depth of his love for his daughter. He had a goal that was big enough to support him in the most difficult moments of his journey.

Christ has called us heavenward, inviting us to know the abiding love of the Trinity for all of eternity. When we hold this vision ever before our eyes, we will always find the strength to press on and persevere, for no difficulty is too great and no wall too high to climb. Let us keep our eyes set on this beautiful goal, and journey deeper and deeper into his perfect love. 


Father, give us clarity of vision so we may pursue you with all of our strength, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


What vision of life animates your actions and inspires your sacrifice?

Related Reading

1 Corinthians 9:24; Hebrews 3:1; 2 Timothy 4:7

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