October 19, 2012

Gift of Evangelism

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today- October 19, 2012

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4:11-12

Every follower of Jesus can and should be a witness of His amazing grace. But, there are some specifically gifted to share the gospel. The good news of salvation from sin in Christ somehow makes its way into the conversations of an evangelist. These bold believers are compelled by the love of God to share the love of God. This gift of evangelism cannot be silent about the need for a Savior. Because their conversion to Christ was transformational, they pray for all to come to know Him.

Many of us became believers because of the message we heeded from an evangelistic messenger. Maybe we heard on the radio, “You must be born again.” Perhaps a visiting preacher at church proclaimed Christ’s death on the cross as the payment for our sin, and His resurrection as the power to live the Christian life. A friend may have asked us about our assurance of going to heaven when we die. Or, in reading the Bible the fiery faith of the Apostles may have ignited our faith.

“Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38

Do you actively share the good news of Jesus Christ? Is your gift of evangelism vigorous and alive? Any gift that is unused becomes ineffective. Like a piece of idle, rusty machinery your gift can lock up for lack of use. If this is the case, ask the Holy Spirit to fall fresh on your faith. Let the Lord lubricate your life with courage—to loosen your lips as Christ’s witness. Yes, you share the gospel with humble passion, not in proud judgment. But don’t stay silent—be bold for Jesus!

You talk about what you love. If you love cars, you read about, discuss and drive cars. If you love your family, you spend time with them and you tell others how they are doing. If you love Jesus, you are loved by Jesus, so that you can love others to Jesus. Love compels you to grow closer to Christ and out of your intimacy with Him, engage your lost world with soul saving truth. You can’t be quiet, because you have the cure for the curse of sin—faith in Jesus. Love speaks up.

Furthermore, use your gift of evangelism to equip the saints of God to do the work of God. Your experience, passion and theological understanding are a bridge to help other believers share Jesus. You teach others who in turn teach others to turn to God. Don’t be shy in multiplying your influence by training up faithful evangelists for Kingdom advancement. Yes, stay in the reality of reasoning with others about Christ—but also, be wise to mobilize an army of witnesses for Jesus!

“They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. 2 Timothy 4:4-5

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for those who shared the gospel with me Now use me to love others to Jesus with my words and deeds.

Related Readings: John 3:14-15; Acts 13:46; Romans 1:2,16; Galatians 3:8; 2 Timothy 1:8

Post/Tweet: Bold believers are compelled by the love of God to share the love of God. #bold

Know your gift? Get a free “Spiritual Gifts Assessment” http://bit.ly/P4FYlw


  1. James D. Grady says:

    Morning Boyd,

    I have a comment for you that I thought about when I met you at Souly Business Sept. 14-16, 2012. We talked about Charlie Paparelli and our new software product Gift-Give. I think Mark Montgomery was standing there with us.

    Do you Podcast your messages? I don’t see a way to listen to your content. If you have this, then ignore my message. However, if you don’t, you might consider putting audio or even video with your messages. You present yourself very well on video and I think it would be great to listen/see your messages each day.

    Just a thought to consider.

    As I mentioned, you are on my list for lunch. I will contact you for a time to get together.

    God Bless and thanks for what you do!

    Jim Grady


  2. Shiku K L says:

    Dear Pastor Boyd Bailey,

    I first wanted to thank the Lord Jesus Christ our Messiah first of all… For His grace and his mercies. Hallelujah!

    Secondly, I also wanted to thank you for brought all this ‘title.” I am just so blessed through what you have had sent all the emails. I am reading over and over. It just breaking down my tears.

    In 2007 the July summer, after I was tithing and offerings. The Holy Spirit commanding me to speak to 3 or 4 young men out there on the street night time. I was fear, scares at same time. However,I did as the Holy Spirit wants me to says to them exactly. They are delivered saved. And 2011 the 18th of July, I asked the Lord what do He wants me to do for him and is there anything I do? He did take me in my inner man and Spirit.
    Within 2 hrs God the Holy Spirit helped me to snatching the souls 50 souls to the kingdom of God! They are saved! They are delivered! Within 5 days, won 196 souls for the month of July! Hallelujah!

    The whole month of July was over 223/225 souls. Hallelujah!

    Now, soul came to me, they asked for prayer, I’m listening to them talking and praying for them, bring them to the kingdom.

    Thank you Pastor boyd Man of God, for all the hard worker take care our heavenly Father’s business. He has a great reward and blessings to you like never before.

    I am also learning something out of this. Many times, or sometimes, the Holy Spirit take to a place, I never knew. He uses me to speak many souls out there on the street. I had so much fun doing this, I enjoy doing this, I am

  3. Boyd says:

    Jim a very good thought, let’s discuss what process needs to be in place for an audio version of the devotional. Thanks for thinking of us. Be blessed! Boyd

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