April 2, 2015


Written by Wisdom Hunters

Forgiveness is the heart of the gospel. Watch Boyd Bailey’s 40-minute talk on forgiveness at the 2015 Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference, where he highlights:

  1. Forgiveness is about me letting go and letting God.
  2. Forgiveness is a process not just an event.
  3. Does my gratitude lead me to a forgiving attitude?
  4. You can give up on others when your Heavenly Father gives up on them.


  1. RANDY PAULEY says:

    What a great truth! Boyd, you’re very inspirational and have a simple way of sharing GOD’s word. Thank you:)

    JSU 83


  2. Gwynne says:

    Dear Randy~
    Thank you for your encouraging words to Boyd after watching the video on “Forgiveness”. I will make sure that he hears your kind message. He gives all the Glory to God!
    Thank you Randy, for taking the time to pass this encouragement along. (I will also make sure he knows that you are a WAR EAGLE!)
    Believing and trusting~
    “The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
    Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they display knowledge.”
    Psalm 19:1-2

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