May 14, 2021

Contagious for Christ

Written by Wisdom Hunters

Whatever you focus on grows and as you grow, you overflow!”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – May 14, 2021

by Guest Writer: Karen McAdams

And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:2, NKJV

Are you contagious? That seems to be the talk on everyone’s lips these days. So much so that the other day when I was reading my Bible, I actually saw the word “contagious” when it really said “courageous”! That really got me thinking…what am I contagious with? Am I contagious with courage or am I contagious with skepticism, fear, and doubt?

I am blessed in my life to be surrounded by some pretty amazing women…women who are seriously contagious! Like my sister Kim whose husband took his life a year ago and yet she is contagious with joy. You can’t help but feel well…more joyful…when you are around her. Or there’s my girlfriend Mallory who is contagious with Truth! You walk away realizing that the lies you have been believing are just that…lies! Her contagious truth empowers me to be bold, confident, and full of faith in my good, good Papa. Then there’s my friends Beth and Jenn – they are absolutely contagious with encouragement. One afternoon with them and all the “feels” of “not being enough” get destroyed through the contagion of their encouragement. 

Just like the darn coronavirus, whatever is inside of you will affect the people around you! 

Since fear has been so contagious – certainly reaching its own pandemic proportions- I feel like Papa is calling us to rise up in the opposite spirit – the spirit of contagious courageousness! 

But I want you to see what I saw that day when I saw the word “contagious” instead of “courageous”. I feel like it may open up a whole new meaning to you – almost like a window into the impact of how what Papa has placed inside of you can impact others for the Kingdom – with the contagions of love, joy, peace, hope, and healing! 

“Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be contagious” (John 14:27)!

“For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be contagious, for I have conquered the world” (John 16:33)!

“Empower us, as your servants, to speak the word of God freely and contagiously” (Acts 4:29).

“And what I’m going through has actually caused many believers to become even more contagious in the Lord and to be bold and passionate to preach the Word of God…” (Philippians 1:14).

So just what do you want to cultivate in your life that makes you more contagious?  

Is it wholeness, peace, hope, joy, vision, wisdom, healing brokenness, trust, courage? Papa is the giver of every good gift and He wants you to be contagious with it more than you do!! Just ask, seek, knock… Trust Him!! He loves to answer those kinds of prayers and make you a courageous-contagious carrier of His goodness!

Declaration: Today, I choose to be contagious for the Kingdom! I remind myself that I am seated next to Papa and have access to every good thing – unlimited peace, unhindered hope, unrestrained joy. Whatever I focus on grows and as I grow, I overflow! Yes, I am absolutely contagious and that’s a good thing!


Heavenly Father, infect me with your love so I might influence others for you, through Christ’s love, in Jesus’ name, amen.


Consider going through an impactful small group study.  Need a new one?  Check out Karen’s and Rachel Faulkner Brown’s life-changing study, Father’s House

Related Reading

Exodus 29:25; 2 Corinthians 2:14; Philippians 4:18; 1 John 3:16

Worship Resource

Carrie Underwood: How Great Thou Art


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  1. Gwynne Maffett says:

    Thank you Karen! This was so encouraging. I could “feel” your love for Papa in your words. Your joy was definitely contagious!!

  2. Deb Avedisian says:

    Super Encouraging Inspirational. Courageous for Our ABBA FATHER that is what we are to be. Now I must strive to do and to be Consistent and Courageous. Thank You
    God’s Joy. His Tender Mercies fit for
    You and Your Family
    YSIC. D. 😘🙏💒👍

  3. Anne says:

    I appreciated Karen’s playfulness with the words courageous and contagious! But PaPa startled me. I am uncomfortable with calling God PaPa. But then I said, why not? How sweet, how intimate. I understood that she was truly speaking from her heart. Papa speaks more closely to her relationship with our Lord. And for those who don’t have a close relationship with God, Papa might get to their heart a lot faster than “God.”

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