April 23, 2019

Bring Your Burdens to Jesus

Written by Shana Schutte

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – April 23, 2019

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:6-7

When I experience something unfortunate or difficult in life, I’m not always calm. Instead, I might cry, ruminate over the problem, get my feelings hurt, be disappointed, or go into a mini emotional tailspin. I might call a friend, dump my feelings on my husband, or even ask Google what to do.

I was recently reminded that when trouble comes knocking, a better solution is to go to Jesus first before I work myself into an emotional mess.

If you can relate, the story in Mark 9 about a man who brought his possessed son to Jesus will encourage you. In this story, a spirit had robbed the young boy of his speech. The man told Jesus he had already taken his son to the disciples, but they couldn’t drive out the spirit. In response, Jesus said, “bring the boy to me.” This simple instruction reminded me how my first reaction is often not to take my concerns to the Lord.  

When life throws you and me a curveball, Jesus is saying, “Bring the boy to me.”

“Bring your concerns to me.”

“Bring your fears to me.”

“Bring your financial needs to me.”

“Bring your disappointment, anger, and frustration to me.”

Before you panic, before you seek out your friends, or call your neighbor. . . before you vent to your mate or your date, before you search Google, bring your trouble to me.”   

Oh! If only we could practice bringing our concerns to Christ first, how our thoughts would be established, our fears would subside, and our souls would be soothed! If we would intentionally quiet ourselves at the moment the trouble comes and sit at the feet of the Master, what peace we could experience!

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe (Proverbs 18:10).


Lord, help me steady myself, trust in you and not overreact when trouble comes knocking on the door of my life. Instead, help me to rest in you and in the care that you provide. Amen.


Do you have something that you need to bring to Jesus today? Take it to him instead of calling friends or searching Google.

Related Reading

1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 29:11; Isaiah 55:12

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When trouble comes knocking, let Jesus in first before working yourself into an emotional mess. #WisdomHunters

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  1. Shana Schutte, every devotion your write touches the very core of my soul. God is using you to minister to people like me in such a tremendous way! You have NO idea what a impact YOUR devotions have in my life. I’m so blessed! Thank you so much Shana!

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