October 23, 2010

Battle Fatigue

Written by Wisdom Hunters

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today- October 23, 2010

“Once again there was a battle between the Philistines and Israel. David went down with his men to fight against the Philistines, and he became exhausted.” 2 Samuel 21:15

When we’re exhausted we are excellent candidates for encouragement. We cannot continue alone in our exhaustion. Our body and soul cry out for care. If we ignore exhaustion’s warning signals, we will probably fail. Our health may fail; our judgment may fail; our faculties may fail; our faith may fail. Exhaustion increases our probability for failure.

It is imperative that in our exhaustion, we recognize, and receive help from others. We have to trust that they will keep our best interests in mind. We are unwise if we think we can do everything. This overwhelmed state compromises the quality of our work. Things that would otherwise be taken care of slip through the cracks. It is in our exhaustion that excellence exits our work and life.

Moreover, our character becomes fragile under the weight of exhaustion’s pressure. As with a clove of garlic in a press, the sweet juices of God’s grace are squeezed out of us and we are left dry. Our patience becomes thin, and we lash out at undeserving souls. What would never bother us during times of rest soon become stressful, and an exhibit in embarrassment. Meaningless arguments begin to fill our minds, so there is no room left for pleasant thoughts.

Exhaustion pushes us to the edge of unwise engagements, as we listen to sympathetic words from flirtatious lips. Exhaustion urges us to engage with any understanding warm body. There is a propensity to relax one’s conservative convictions, so make sure you confide in your spouse, not someone else’s. Intimacy is meant for marriage, so leverage exhaustion for a deeper relationship with your husband or wife.

Exhaustion is also God’s way of getting your attention. You cannot continue to run hard in life and leave out the Lord. He wants much more than surface acknowledgement on Sunday. Exhaustion is meant to engage you with the eternal. You are reminded, in your weak state, that He is your rock. He is your fortress, your deliverer, your shield, your stronghold, and your salvation.

Because God is your refuge, you can rest in Him. You do not have to strive in your own strength. You can be infused with the Almighty’s eternal energy and everlasting love. It is in your exhaustion that your heavenly Father wants to love you wholeheartedly and unconditionally.

So, let go and let Him. Let go of your unrealistic expectations that wear you down. Let go of your way of doing things. Let go of your timetable. Let go of the relationship that is wearing you out. Engage in activities and relationships that energize you. Yes, you need to be available, but rest in Him. Rest in Him, and leave the rest to Him.

Your gracious heavenly Father is the answer to your battle fatigue. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you up by faith, and allow God’s grace to flush out your fears. The Bible says, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him” (Psalm 62:5).

Taken from the October 23rd reading in Boyd Bailey’s Seeking Daily the Heart of God. This 365 day devotional book is a compilation of the reader’s favorites from Wisdom Hunters daily devotional. Andy Stanley says, “I have walked with Boyd for over 20 years and I am definitely wiser for it. You are going to love this book!”


  1. jody schneider says:

    Thank you for your reading today I needed to hear those words that is where I am in my life this wll be saved for future reading

  2. GL says:

    It’s too bad that sometimes we cannot exit exhausting relationships, such as taking care of a relative on hospice, etc. But you are right—we can cast our cares on the Lord, knowing He cares for us. We can choose to trust in Him day by day, minute by minute.

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