October 13, 2012

Gift of Wisdom

Written by Boyd Bailey

Dear Fellow Wisdom Hunter,

We are extremely grateful to God for your faithful readership of the daily devotional, your prayers, and your financial support. Wisdom Hunters is a non-profit, Christ-centered, 501c3 ministry, blessed with a prayerful Board of Directors, who steward well this—the Lord’s work. After much prayer and planning with our 19-member Advisory Board, we believe the Lord is leading us in the following ways in 2012 and beyond:

Connect people to Christ through God’s Word. 

Applying unchanging truth to a changing world. 

By the end of 2013 trusting God for 200,000 daily devotional readers (currently-91,291) globally and in the U.S.

Testimony (click here for more: http://bit.ly/ggJzWk)
Thank YOU for Your daily posts. Today was a post that especially ministered to me and my husband. It was actually quite prophetic in light of what we are experiencing right now in our lives. We have taken a giant step of faith and your posts encourage us to continually seek God in the process. Thanks again and Blessings to YOU!

By God’s Grace Wisdom Hunters 2012-2013 Objectives

Total budget needs for balance of 2012- $75,000

If you have been a regular reader for six months or longer, please prayerfully join us in how the Lord might lead you to participate financially. If you are being blessed by the daily writings and could help us reach others for Jesus Christ then you can give online by clicking http://bit.ly/fPxiWr or mail your check to:

Wisdom Hunters
PO Box 800062
Roswell, GA 30075

Thanks so much for your prayerful consideration.

A servant for Jesus,

Boyd Bailey
President, Wisdom Hunters

“I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ” (Philemon 1:6).



  1. Kay says:

    I have really enjoyed the sends daily and I pass them on to man who is in our church, recently saved, a former drug user and recovering alcoholic! While these always minister to the two of us the one on being an administrator really spoke to me! That is me!! I have a tough time with it. If you’ve ever watched MONK (LOL) you’ll know having the gift of administration is” a blessing and curse!” It is especially hard for my husband/pastor to always understand and accept so it’s a real struggle for me. I pray God will continue to bless YOUR ministry and you will know the lives you are touching thru it!!!


  2. dave trader says:

    i would very much to get seeking god in the proverbs when it comes out. dave

  3. I really have enjoyed reading the daily Wisdom Hunters devotional emails that I receive. They are infused with plentiful knowledge and inspiring wisdom. GOD Bless and keep encouraging others in their walk with CHRIST!!!

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