June 16, 2010

Real Life Wisdom Hunter: Joel

Written by Wisdom Hunters

Name: Joel Mugangala

Hometown: Born in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania but have worked and lived all over Africa.

Occupation: Telecom Engineer

One sentence that describes you: A bit quiet but confident person who always goes the extra mile to achieve his dreams.

One fun/interesting fact about you: Mh…i really don’t know 🙂

How long have you been a wisdom hunter (passionate follower of Christ)? I was brought up in a Christian family and as far as i can remember I have been a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. God has been wonderful throughout my life. In 2007 I began reading scriptures daily and applying the Word, and my life has changed ever since. My life is full of blessings and I thank God for that.

What wisdom have you been learning from scripture lately? God will never forsake us. We only need to keep our faith on Him. (Isaiah 49: 14 -16).

Wisdom Hunters is based on Proverbs 13:20, what is the most impactful word of wisdom you have received from a fellow wisdom hunter? “Faithfulness compounds in results like interest does with money. So, daily deposit God’s word in your life”. This statement is much true as I reflect in my own life. I urge God’s people to keep trust in our Lord Jesus Christ and we shall reap rewards beyond our imagination.

Any tips for new wisdom hunters? WH is a great community to be in where you can get your daily wisdom to apply to your life. More importantly, read the scripture, have faith and practice the Word, and behold, your life will not be the same again.

We’ve got to ask…why are you a fan of Wisdom Hunters blog and Facebook fan page? In the last few weeks since I joined the FB fan page, I have been getting wisdom from scriptures and testimonies from God’s people around the world. It is also a good community where people who worships and trust in the Lord, share their experiences with one another.

Any last piece of wisdom you want to share with your fellow wisdom hunters? God is able and He fulfills all that He promises. Have faith and trust in the Lord and you shall see and receive. Read Jeremiah 33:3.

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