December 2, 2020

What Do You Want Jesus To Do?

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – December 2, 2020 

Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied. Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you. Luke 18:40-42

What do you want me to do for you? The generous, kind words of Jesus went right to the heart of the hurting man. The wailing blind beggar had asked for Jesus to have pity on him. But Jesus went beyond feeling sorry for the man’s pitiful situation, and instead offered him a blank check. Wow! Wisely the man asked for healing of body and soul—and immediately his faith became a catalyst of Christ’s healing—100% and forever. No more groping about in fear. No more being made fun of for being a blind beggar. In the moment, the man knew what he needed Jesus to do—fully heal him!

What do you need Jesus to do for you? Are you in a relational ditch, unable to move forward for lack of traction in trust? Consider asking Christ to heal your relationship with Him, so He can heal your relationship with another. Has shame or pride blinded you to your Savior’s deep love and compassion for you? His grace is more than sufficient to administer soothing salve to the eyes of your heart, so you can see His radiant love. Release any pride and humble yourself before the one who is hurt, in need of healing. Ask for forgiveness. Jesus restores relationships. 

“Restore us, Lord God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved” (Psalm 80:19).

What do you need Jesus to do for you? This may be your first holiday season without a precious friend or loved one. Or, you suffer the loss of a job, or a chronic health issue has deprived you of mobility. The loss of financial security may stalk you with intimidating fear, robbing your peace. Jesus can fill your loss with His love and grace. Ask Him. Look into the face of the One who gave up His life, so you could have abundant life through His mercy and forgiveness. Weep over your loss, and then allow the Lord to wipe away your tears. Let Jesus comfort your hurting heart. 

What do you need Jesus to do for you? You may need Him to meet you in the quiet, stillness of His intimate love. Ponder the loving deeds of the Lord in your life. Be hilariously grateful! Wisdom comes from seeking the perspective of Providence—the One who knows all is able to show you what you need to know. So, listen and learn from the Lord. Keep the faith, even if you are not sure of the next step—the Holy Spirit will direct your path. Invite Jesus to do for you  what you cannot do for yourself—bring clarity and comfort. Trust His ways become yours. Let Jesus do—what only He can do for you!

“Let the one who is wise heed these things and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord” (Psalm 107:43).


Heavenly Father, I need you to lead me by your great love and wisdom, in Jesus’ name, amen.


What do I need Jesus to do for me—that I cannot do for myself?

Related Reading

2 Samuel 16:12; 1 Kings 13:6; Mark 11:24; Acts 14:9

Check out Boyd’s newest 40 day devotional book: Wisdom For Living

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Weep over your loss, and then allow the Lord to wipe away your tears. Let Jesus comfort your hurting heart. #faith #wisdomhunters #truth #Jesus

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