September 23, 2017

Warning and Reward

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 23, 2017

By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.  Psalm 19:11

The Word of God is our warning and our reward as we travel through life. When driving down a highway under construction, we may see signs warning us of a rough ride, closed lanes, or a bridge that may be out. We do not ignore these signs because we value our life, time, and automobile. So it is as our body, soul, and spirit make their way through this life. The Word warns us of impending danger and, by simple faith, we listen and become wise. Obedience to God’s precepts is fundamental to successful living, and it is sin to know what to do and not do it.

It is stupid and foolish to ignore God’s warnings. He may be trying to speak to you through your spouse, a friend, or even an enemy; so do not allow pride to deafen your heart. God’s principles protrude from the foundation of your faith to barricade you from the exits of unwise decision-making. Therefore, do not force down a door that does not freely swing open on the hinges of God’s grace. The teachable grow wise, but the cavalier foolishly continue on.

The Bible is our mentor, our monitor, our reminder, and the keeper of our conscience. Though the brilliant white from a freshly packed snowfall causes blindness to the skier, God’s Word has the opposite effect on our soul. Its pure application to our lives lifts the natural blindness of our soul. The Bible burns away the fog of our confused minds and replaces it with focused and clear thinking. His truth makes our heart right and then gives it joy. When we heed the warnings of a risky financial commitment, we become rich in peace of mind. It is better to sleep peacefully in the night with our simple life than to awaken, preoccupied by unnecessary complexity. He warns us because He loves us.

Do not reject the love of God that may be clothed in an outfit of warning. There are rewards to those who remain faithful and follow God’s instructions. Rewards remind us of the goodness of God, and His grace is His grandest reward. He gives us grace to become His child. He extends us grace to be a faithful spouse, an engaged parent, a loyal friend, or a loving leader. We receive grace every day to forgive more and resent less. It may seem like you are losing, but this is only for a season. There is victory, even if it is a slender reward of a quiet conscience for your obedience.

Lastly, there are the rewards of God that transcend this life. He is all about eternal rewards. If heaven’s outcomes are important to Christ, they are important to His followers. Christ will crown His children for cleaving to His service, whether in extreme success or depressing difficulties. Your faithfulness with His stuff determines your eternal rewards. What you do on earth with your time, talent, and treasures defines the quality of your experience in heaven. Therefore, heed His warnings, and send as much ahead as possible in saved souls and financial leverage for the Lord. Keep enough now to shine the brightest for Christ, but invest the rest in eternity. This is His warning and His reward. So, apply both and become the wiser. These are His true riches.

Jesus says, “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” (Luke 16:11).



Heavenly Father, by Your grace I heed Your warnings in Your Word and I am very grateful for the rewards of obeying Your Word, in Jesus’ name, amen.


How has the Lord warned me recently through His Word and how has He rewarded me with a timely Scripture?

Related Reading

Genesis 15:1; Psalm 119:72; Proverbs 8:10; Matthew 24:35; Mark 8:38 Today’s reading is taken from Boyd’s most popular book: Seeking Daily the Heart of God, a 365 day devotional.

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