March 29, 2021

Value Wisely

Written by Boyd Bailey

Treasure the truths of Scripture and the author of Scripture will guard your heart.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – March 29, 2021

Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6:21, NLT

My seven year old grandson Charlie is learning to play chess. His energy for the game is admirable, but his understanding of the value of the various chess pieces is not yet fully grasped. For example, he happily sacrificed a bishop to capture a pawn. To distinguish the worth of each, we assigned value based on points: a pawn equals one point, a knight seven, a rook twelve, etc. I explained that we were not keeping score, just developing a plan in how to wisely use the most valuable pieces—not to sacrifice the best ones for the less valuable ones. My time with Charlie reminded me—my choices reflect what I value. If I’m honest, am I valuing the wisest choices?

Jesus develops this idea of valuation in what He describes as treasure. What is most important, or treasure as Jesus says, is revealed by choices. And choices are motivated by what captures the affections of the heart—treasure. Why is Jesus making the point of treasure leading the heart? Just as a flower or tree bends toward the sun for life—so it is for us— we receive life as the heart follows the Son. Loving Christ, loving others and being loved by Christ and others is the most valuable asset of a Christian. Focus on God’s best, and the heart will follow in reliance and rest.

“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2, KJV).

What consumes your thoughts? Christ’s love and peace or your own disrupted circumstances? The kindness and forgiveness of God or an unruly, disrespectful person? What keeps you up at night is an indicator of what’s most important. If money is what motivates you, continually replace cash with devotion to Christ. If the approval of others makes you hyper-sensitive to criticism, wisely replace people’s approval with the truth of being a beloved child of your Father in whom He is well pleased. Treasure truths of Scripture and the author of Scripture will guard your heart.

With so many modern conveniences competing for my affections, I am daily drawn to treasure idols like isolation and autonomy, instead of intimacy with and dependance on the Holy Spirit. Just like a growing business has updated valuations to measure the health of the enterprise, so in prayer and the input of others, I need to have an honest evaluation of my soul’s health. If an objective third party took an honest assessment of how I spent my time and money, what would be the conclusions? 1) Shades of concern, 2) Advanced warning signs, or 3) Healthy choices reflecting love for God, others and being loved. Humility honors the value of wise decisions! 

The Lord is a strong fortress. The godly run to him and are safe. The rich man thinks of his wealth as an impregnable defense, a high wall of safety. What a dreamer! Pride ends in destruction; humility ends in honor” (Proverbs 18:10-12, TLB).


Heavenly Father, lead me to place the highest value on what you value the most, through Christ’s love, in Jesusname, amen.


What areas of life do I value that are leading my heart into unhealthy desires?

Related Reading

Psalm 119:11; Proverbs 23:26; Luke 10:20; Philippians 3:19

Start the new year with Boyd’s newest 365 day devotional book: Seeking God’s Heart

Worship Resource

5-minute video- Charity Gayle: 


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