June 3, 2009

Words of Worth

Written by Boyd Bailey

Words of Worth… “Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel.” Proverbs 20:15

Words of worth are a rare jewel, waiting to be discovered by prayerful souls. There are people in your life whose language is laced with the Lord’s instructions. These trusting, tried and true servants of Christ are whom you need to hear from often. Your parents, grand parents, teachers, clergy, sibling, spouse, child or mentors may represent those whose insights and understanding are at your disposal. Do you take the time to mine truth from their mind?

Avoid those whose trivial pursuit is primarily shallow conversations around current events. Instead, hang out with insightful saints who have a hold of heaven. Your mind and heart become rich in the resources of God when you obtain knowledge from His humble and wise followers. They do not pronounce their presence with fanfare, but you know they have been in the presence of the Father because their words are rich and robust.

Carriers of knowledge are rich and poor, young and old, minority and majority, city and country, educated and uneducated. However, valuable speech is more than just transferring information, it is transformational truth from a humble heart to a teachable mind. Words grow in their worth with those who remain a student. So seek out learners, who lean on the Lord and not their own understanding. The Holy Spirit instructs hungry hearts.

Lastly, use your words as encouragement, instruction, correction and rebuke with those you influence. Pray daily for a seeking soul to whom you can generously give a gold nugget of wisdom, a ruby of reality or a pearl of perception. Words are not to be wasted in worry. They are an investment from intimacy with God, and instruction with man. What can I learn from their wise words? Who today can I extend kindness and knowledge? “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29).

Related Readings: Job 28:12-19; Proverbs 25:12; Ecclesiastes 12:9-11; Romans 10:17-18

Transformational Living

What did I learn from the Lord in today’s Bible reading?

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