July 9, 2016

The Right Thing

Written by Boyd Bailey

The Right Thing 7.9

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – July 9, 2016

This is what the Lord says: Maintain justice and do what is right, for my salvation is close at hand and my righteousness will soon be revealed.  Isaiah 56:1

Do the right thing; because you can’t go wrong by doing what’s right. The right choice may not be the easiest choice, but it will result in what’s best. It is tempting to bypass what’s right,  what’s convenient or expedient. However, convenience and expedience can get you into trouble if they become an excuse for not doing the right thing. The right thing may ruffle some feathers and cause you short-term suffering. Some people may reject you for doing what’s right. Some people may avoid you because your right choices are a reminder of their wrong ones. When you choose to do the right thing, you eliminate other unseemly options. This protects you from a series of unwise relationships. If you choose to hang out with those who have no spiritual aspirations, then you will find yourself indifferent to the things of God.

If your most influential relationship is bored with God, then boredom will seduce you over time as well. Investing in unhealthy relationships is not the right thing to do. Your parents and your friends have warned you not to go down this road of relational recklessness. You can still do the right thing by breaking off the relationship and seeking God for His best. His best is a hundred times better than settling for someone who makes you “feel alive,” yet has no firm foundation of faith. Be careful with whom you entrust your emotions. Your affections are not to be given away indiscriminately. The right thing is to first set your affections above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1-2). Then trust Him as you dispense your desires to those who are worthy and have your best interests in mind.

Doing the right thing is a matter of trust. Can God be trusted with the results of your right decisions? Yes. However, you’re on your own when you dismiss the wise counsel of those who really care. If you choose to settle for something less than best, then your outcomes will erode. To choose what’s “good” over what’s “best” is not the right course of action. God can be trusted with what happens when you break off a less-than-best relationship. He has someone better in mind, who will lift you up spiritually and not drag you down.

So do the right thing, and trust God with the results. It may very well cost you time and money; but what value can you place on living free of regret? If it is a financial obligation, then take the high road and do what is more expensive, even though not expedient. Others may pressure you to not do the right thing because their definition of right and wrong is diluted. So seek God’s definition of what’s right. Do not be intimidated by others who are uncomfortable with your right choices. Choose right and trust God. Moreover, keep your attitude free from arrogance. Your right choices do not make you spiritually superior.

Do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. And do it with an attitude of humility, grace, and patience. You can’t go wrong doing what’s right.



Heavenly Father, reveal to me by Your Spirit the right thing and by Your grace give me the courage to do it.

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