March 17, 2020

The Richness of Being a Single Adult

Written by Shana Schutte

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – March 17, 2020

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

I have a small pile of river rocks I’ve collected over the years. On each stone I’ve written a phrase or word to remind me of a time when God moved in my life. Every rock thrills my heart, but some of my favorites remind me of moments before I married, when God used me to bless someone. 

I don’t say this to toot my own horn (only God gets the glory), but to encourage, because many singles feel as if God can’t use them as much as their married friends. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even Jesus was single. But, I can relate. 

As an unmarried, older woman, I sometimes felt like the odd one out, but I certainly also experienced spiritually fruitful times because I was able to serve God unencumbered. (1 Corinthians 7:32-35)

Specifically, as a single, I was able to be spontaneous when prompted by the Holy Spirit. I could spend time with someone who needed time, share my talents when prompted to serve, or give money or gifts to strangers without the need to ask a husband if it was okay. As a single, I was able to give generously at a moment’s notice. 

Additionally, when alone, I believe I was often more in tune to the Lord’s voice in social settings. I noticed the stranger alone at the coffee shop, or the woman who needed an encouraging word. Aloneness helped me hear Him. As a single, I was alone a lot, so I could immediately react to God’s promptings. 

For example, one evening I stopped at a gas station after an unsuccessful attempt to find—and purchase-a new bed for my apartment. When I pulled up to the pump, I noticed a woman sitting on the curb near the front door. 

After pumping my gas, I stopped to talk to her, and within a few seconds discovered she had just been released from a halfway house and that her father was coming to pick her up. A few minutes later, at what felt like the Lord’s prompting, I popped into the gas station and retrieved the amount of money from an ATM that I would have spent on a new bed. 

As I knelt and pressed the cash into her palm, I told her that God loved her, that he was giving her a second chance, and that this was her time for change. I encouraged her to read the Bible and find a church where people loved Jesus. I told her that when she got back on her feet, that she could pass on a gift to someone else in need. As I spoke, big tears filled her eyes.  She sobbed and she said, “Thank you” over and over. 

As I got in my car and drove away, my heart was so very full, and I was grateful to the Lord for giving me the opportunity to share His love. I thought, “This is the abundant life.” It felt so very good to generously give. 

So, what does this mean for you? If you are unmarried, know that the work you do for God is uniquely significant and no one else can do what you do. You are a special part of His body and if you were not a part, His work would be incomplete. You can be a generous blessing. 

And, if you are married or single, please consider this an encouragement to listen for His voice and watch for where He is working. It will thrill your heart to be a part of His everyday miracles. 

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).


Lord, please help me to be sensitive to your Holy Spirit and open my heart to others who need to experience your love through me. Amen.


As you are out and about today, pay attention to what is going on around you. Don’t be in such a hurry that you miss what the Lord is doing.

Related Reading

Jeremiah 6:16; Isaiah 48:17; Psalm 25:8-9

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I can celebrate my singleness since I am able to give generously at a moment’s notice. #WisdomHunters #single #truth #Jesus

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5 minute music video- Sovereign Grace: 


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