August 13, 2018

Sacred Smells Soothe The Soul

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – August 13, 2018

I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. Song of Songs 2:1

One of my goals in life is not to smell like an old man—now hear me out. I don’t mind gracefully growing older, I just want to be properly bathed and groomed each day: clean shaven, a recent haircut, dangling nose and ear hairs removed, while sporting a starched shirt. Today, my lunch friend, Lewis, is 93, and for 10 years he has inspired me to wake up every day and engage life. Retired many years ago, Lewis (with the help of his faithful wife Faye), takes the time each day to smell like a man who cares for himself. Sweet smells attract us, while sacred smells change us.

Through the picture of a love relationship between and man and a woman, Christ describes Himself with the elegance and the fragrance of a brilliant red rose and a pure white lily. Our beautiful Lord woos our soul with His sacred smell of love that both calms and creates a spiritual space for our worship, waiting and trust. By faith, we have complete access to our Savior, as in the availability of the wild red roses on the plains of Sharon, or a valley full of luscious white lilies. A heavenly fragrance eternally emanates—breathe in its peaceful affects.

“And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma” (Ephesians 5:2, NKJV).

Have you noticed when we are in man’s creation, we tend to be influenced by man, but when we experience God’s creation, we tend to be influenced by God? We walk through the woods, and inhale the scent of wet, decaying leaves—knowing the death of winter will birth new life in the spring. The hot summer smell of assorted flowers reminds us of the creativity of Christ, how He takes our diverse backgrounds and landscapes our lives into a tapestry by the beauty of His love. The smell of freshly mowed grass illustrates a life groomed by God, purged by the Holy Spirit to bring forth much fruit. Yes, the sacred smells of the Lord’s creation soothe our scared souls.

One of the beautys of breathing in the fragrances of our heavenly Father and His creation, is our ability to become an attractive fragrance for our fallen world. The septic smell of sin’s control is overwhelmed by the sweet aroma of our forgiveness and freedom in Christ. The very distinct but attractive smell of a life alive for Jesus pleasantly opens the nostrils of someone smothering in their selfishness. We have our winters of suffering, but the savory whiff of staying faithful to our faith and family offers a springtime of encouragement to those who watch us. The more we breathe in the love of our Lord, the more we smell of an irresistible love, wooing others to Jesus.

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” (2 Corinthians 2:14-15, NKJV).



Heavenly Father, by faith I breathe in Your love, so I might be able to love others well,  in Jesus’ name, amen.


What habit do I need to employ,so I can regularly inhale God’s love and His creation?

Related Reading

Hosea 14:6; John 12:3; 2 Corinthians 2:16; Philippians 4:18

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The attractive smell of a life alive for Jesus pleasantly opens the nostrils of someone smothering in their selfishness. #WisdomHunters #sacredsmells

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