October 7, 2018

Reward of Faithfulness

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – October 7, 2018

To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless. Psalm 18:25 

Faithfulness is doing what I said I would do. It is an integrity issue. Commitments are not to be taken lightly. For example, a verbal commitment is an unwritten contract. However, these can be the most risky and misunderstood. If we make a verbal commitment, it behooves us to make sure it is plain to all parties involved.

If there is not a clear understanding, there is a good chance for miscommunication and a perception of unfaithfulness. The burden of responsibility is on the communicator. If we are moving fast and overcommitted, our communication skills and follow-through suffer. We may assume others understand us and know what is going on, but this is risky.

Slow down, communicate more, and show up on time for appointments. Less is more. Most of us would be much better off if we focused on fewer commitments. Take a relational audit, and ask others if they perceive you as being faithful to your commitments to them. Do not blame others for unfaithfulness if this is a chronic problem in your own life. Fortunately, as followers of Christ we have Him as our faithful model.

The Lord has been faithful even in our unfaithfulness. God says what He does and does what He says. He is faithful to forgive our sin and lead us to forgive. He is faithful to convict us of sin and to lead us into righteousness. He is faithful to flood our souls with peace, joy, and contentment. God understands what it means to keep a commitment, even at great cost—the death of His only Son. Indeed, the Lord is faithful to the faithful.

Unfaithfulness will catch up with us if not quickly remedied. Adultery is an example of marital unfaithfulness. Yet how many of us go to bed with other conflicting relational commitments. Do not let work, hobbies, children, or money become your “mistress.” Faithfulness begins and ends with follow-through on our commitments to God.

After our conversion, we made a commitment to follow Christ. Following Jesus requires fidelity of faith. There are no equals to our love for Him. When He says in His Word to let our yes be yes and our no be no, we follow through because we want to be faithful to Him and others. Yes, the Lord defines and rewards your faithfulness.

Your faithfulness does not go unnoticed or unrewarded. One of the greatest rewards is the gift of trust. Faithfulness births and grows trust; so over time you earn the reputation of a trustworthy person. Those who can be trusted with a little can be trusted with much. Thus, be faithful so you can be trusted. Above all, be faithful because He is faithful!

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” (Matthew 25:23).


Heavenly Father, in the good and bad times, keep me faithful to You and to those who need my love, comfort and wisdom.


How is the Lord faithful to me? To what commitment do I need to remain faithful?

Related Reading

Deuteronomy 7:9; Deuteronomy 11:13; Psalm 37:28; Matthew 5:37; 1 Timothy 1:12

Taken from Seeking Daily the Heart of God v.2

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