November 17, 2014

Quarter Life Crisis

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – November 17, 2014

Urge the younger women to love their husbands and children… Encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. Titus 2:4, 6-7

I am blessed with two sons-in-laws in their 20’s and one in his 30’s. Their wives (my daughters) are a similar age. By God’s grace I want to love them in a way they feel supported and encouraged. I feel helpless at times to help them, but I remind myself their best help is in the Lord. Since most of the time I am not with them in person, I pray for them to be led by the Holy Spirit. I pray Christ is their “go to” for guidance for any crisis they encounter as young adults.

Sometimes parents unknowingly put unreasonable pressure on their young adult son or daughter to perform at a certain level, or even worse to be someone they are not. Their college major may have been a discipline that does not align with their heart’s desire. Our example of patience and compassion is what the Lord uses to mold their hearts into His heart for them. A parent’s perfect love from God is what leads an imperfect child in crisis to Christ. We trust God.

“Love is patient” (1 Corinthians 13:4).

Are you a millennium or next generation young person unsure of your purpose? Have you been traveling down a safe path defined by someone else only to discover a dead end road? If so, be wise not to overcompensate, following after godless goals. Like a dosing driver drifting off the side of a road frantically overcorrects causing an accident, so is a young adult who panics in a quarter life crisis. A crisis of belief is the Lord’s opportunity to exhibit His loving kindness.

If you doubt the existence of God, ask Him to reveal Himself by studying His creation: the human body, the psychology of people or verses in Psalms, Proverbs or the gospel of John. If you feel let down by your earthly parents look to your heavenly Father and ask Him for comfort and love. If you are unsure of your mission, consider volunteering in a ministry or charity. Expose your heart to other needy hearts and the Lord will expose Himself to you. Unselfish service is a smart strategy for those in a quarter life crisis. Christ brings calm to a caring soul.

“Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God” (1 Peter 2:12).

Prayer: Heavenly Father give me wisdom to love the next generation so they can see Christ in their crisis.

Related Readings: Genesis 17:7; Exodus 20:6; Acts 2:40; Hebrews 4:12; Philippians 2:15

Post/Tweet today: Expose your heart to other needy hearts and the Lord will expose Himself to you. #wisdomhunters

Additional Resource: 4 minute video, Dr. Tim Elmore- Generation iY:

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