May 15, 2016

Made Rich

Written by Boyd Bailey

Made Rich 5.15

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – May 15, 2016

You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.     2 Corinthians 9:11

God’s grace makes you rich in His ways. You are rich in mercy, love, patience, compassion, and wisdom. When Jesus Christ became the Lord and Savior of your life you received access to an eternal portfolio of resources. You no longer have to complain about not having everything you need. In Christ, you have just what you need, when you need it; there are no shortfalls with the Lord. No one can make a run on heaven’s bank.

In other words, the resources of God are within your reach. You can tap into the Holy Spirit moment by moment, on any occasion. The wisdom of the Almighty is available for you in real-time prayer. “What does God think?” and “What would Jesus do?” are two questions to ask before you act. If you are not sure of the answers, then by all means wait, pray, and ask people you trust for advice and godly counsel.

You are rich with the resources of God. Like someone with oil reserves under the surface of property they manage, you have an abundance of energy of which you can take advantage. As the character of Christ continues to consume you, you can’t help but receive the richness of His grace. People will begin to clamor for your time because they want to learn how to leverage love or apply patience. It is a remarkable truth that you have been made rich in the ways of God. Your eternal balance sheet is robust and real, so review what you already have in Christ, then daily count your many blessings. Account for the acts of God that overflow from your life.

Because you have been given so much, you are uniquely positioned to give. Grace can permeate your giving because grace permeates your life. You receive Christ so you can give Christ; You receive God’s mercy so you can give mercy; You receive God’s love so you can give love; You receive God’s patience so you can give patience; You receive God’s compassion so you can give compassion; You receive God’s wisdom so you can give wisdom; You are rich in the ways of God so you can give the resources of God. This is his circle of generosity. The reason God makes anyone rich is for the purpose of astounding generosity.

Happy are the generous, for thanksgiving and appreciation explode from the heart of a generous giver. God provides money and the capacity for serving others to be given away. A blessing that is not passed on can become a curse. Therefore, look on every occasion as an opportunity to give. Give spontaneously and give with structure, but with both, give prayerfully.

Give money; Give time; Give expertise; Give hospitality; Give opportunity; Give grace; Give forgiveness; Give resources. The best way to give is out of love, gratitude, and obedience to God. And when you give, you will receive. You will receive the peace and contentment of Jesus, knowing you modeled His motives and His generosity. God has made you rich in His ways, for His sake, and the sake of others. Therefore, allow generosity to govern your giving for the glory of God.

As Jesus says, “Give and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38).



Heavenly Father, I’m grateful for Your rich grace, so grow my generosity to others.

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God makes us rich in many ways, so we can be generous in all situations. #maderich #wisdomhunter

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