May 19, 2024

Kintsugi – Turning Broken into Beautiful

Written by Pat Elsberry

With God by our side, he can mend our hearts back together like the skills of the greatest Kintsugi artist.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – May 19, 2024

Have you ever dropped a favorite cup or dish and had it shatter into a hundred pieces at your feet? I’m sure you stood there, looking at the shards of glass or pottery strewn around the floor, with a tear streaming down your face. 

Now imagine if you could take those broken pieces and turn them into something beautiful. This is where Kintsugi comes in. Kintsugi is a Japanese art form in which the areas of breakage are mended with lacquer and then dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. The technique is derived from the words “kin,” which means golden, and “tsugi,” which means joinery. When translated, it means golden repair

There is a correlation between Kintsugi and grief. Those walking the road of sorrow often try hiding their broken hearts from the world. Kintsugi teaches that broken objects are not something to hide but to be displayed with pride. 

In Beautifully Broken, I share the story of the journey I found myself on, through no choice of my own, after the death of my daughter Melanie. No one would willingly ask to be on this journey, yet here we are. Within the pages of the book, I give my heart a voice. Instead of hiding the sorrow and the challenging times that have made me who I am, I have allowed the light to shine into the dark places. 

Just like Kintsugi takes broken, fractured pieces and turns them into a thing to be honored with pride, if you’re willing, God can take all our broken pieces and turn them into a thing of beauty, too. 

Kintsugi teaches that our broken places make us stronger and better than ever before. We can allow God to pick up our pieces and learn to embrace the cracks when we think we are broken and shattered. 

I’ve often referred to the state of my heart as a mosaic. Our broken pieces eventually go back together, misshapen with bumps and cracks. There will always be that hole in my heart that can only be filled by my girl, but our Heavenly Father will continue to heal the broken places until we can be reunited once again. 

When we lose a loved one, and our world turns on its axis, although we may never be the same person we once were, it doesn’t mean we must live shattered lives forever. With God by our side, he can mend our hearts back together like the skills of the greatest Kintsugi artist. 

“To comfort all who mourn and provide for those who grieve in Zion – to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair” (Isaiah 61:2-3).


Heavenly Father, you are the only one who can turn broken things into something beautiful for your kingdom. Thank you that even in our most challenging times you alone can return light and beauty to the dark.


Do you know someone who is broken? Reach out to them with a word of love and kindness. An encouraging word from you may be just the light they need today.

Related Reading

Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 61:3; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Revelation 21:5

Worship Resource

Hannah Hobbs: Broken Into Beautiful


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