December 23, 2022

Jesus Christ Your Life

Written by Boyd Bailey

Your life in Christ is patterned by the life of Christ…so look no further as you seek to be the best version of yourself…in Christ.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – December 23, 2022

When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:4, NKJV

When you embark on your journey to follow Jesus Christ…His invitation to follow is no less than your entire life…100%. Not just your spiritual life as if you can just follow Him on Sunday and the other six days of the week follow your whims and wishes. With Jesus, being a follower or disciple of His is all or not at all…not in between. Not some self-focused faith expression that He describes as lukewarm…fit for nothing. Jesus Christ, as your life is the life of Christ, lived in and through you…every fiber of your spirit, soul, body, emotions, and mind is captivated by Christ. His love is the essence of your presence, His joy is your strength, and His grace is your pace.

What does the Apostle Paul mean when he boldly states, “Christ who is our life?” Before our life in Christ, we were dead in our sins…in need of Jesus Christ to breathe life into the lungs of our spirit, so that His resurrected life would bring us into newness of life. Alive in Him…His righteousness became our righteousness…holy and acceptable to God. The Holy Spirit is the sustenance of our inner life, so we are equipped and empowered to live outwardly like Christ. Daily, we feed on the Bread of Life, so our life in Christ is nourished…growing stronger while our outer person is decaying. A faith that feeds on daily doses of perfect love grows deeper in love. We keep our focus on Jesus…whose life brings hope, comfort, and healing to our life. Our life in Christ is the core of who we are as Christians…else, our faith efforts are fake…futile. 

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4).

Your life in Christ is patterned by the life of Christ…so look no further as you seek to be the best version of yourself…in Christ. You approach a financial decision with a grateful, and generous heart…remembering that all you have is God’s and you are the manager of His resources. So, you pray, “Lord, what is your heart for me in how to invest your resources for your Kingdom?” You relate to people in your life with a heart to serve…empathic to their pain…so you love them in an understanding way. Empathy doesn’t condone bad behavior, but with compassion helps a hurting heart discover how to…go and sin no more. Your life in Christ…is your life. No need to search any further. Who you are, who you need to become, and what you are to do are in Him.

Your life in Christ is lived out on earth similar to how you will live your life in Christ in heaven. In heaven your life in Christ is perfected, mature, and whole…all your tears are wiped away. On earth, your life in Christ is ever-growing…discovering new applications of grace and truth. Yes, saints in heaven are 100% unified, one in Christ…perfected…while saints on earth aspire to be one in Christ…perfected by His love…to love like Him. Rest and renew in your hidden life in Christ, until that day all of Him will be revealed, when you appear with Him in glory. Hallelujah! 

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” She said to Him, “Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world” (John 11:25-27).


Heavenly Father, grow my life to become more and more like the life of Christ, through Christ’s love, and in Jesus’ name, amen.


Who needs your empathy and comfort to help them be healed by God and move away from destructive behaviors?

Related Reading

John 6:27, 33, 48, 58, 10:10, 14:6; Romans 5:18; 1 John 5:20

Worship Resource

Bethel Music (Jenn Johnson, Michaela Gentile): Let My Life Be Worship


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