April 8, 2024

Identity Theft

Written by Boyd Bailey

Belovedness cannot be bought with effort or accomplishments; the cross of Jesus Christ already bought you.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – April 8, 2024

He [Jesus] saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:16-17

The significance of Christ’s baptism is His heavenly Father’s pronouncement of His true identity: My beloved son, with whom I am well pleased. The Father and Son had been together forever. They were together at the creation and together now at the new creation in Christ. God’s Beloved Son came to earth to save sinners and make them new creations in Christ. The Trinity declares this truth to the world as the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus. His identity is the Beloved Son of God. A beloved son whose love and obedience attract the Father’s affections with the affirming words, with whom I am well pleased. Jesus’ identity of pleasing His Father, as His Beloved Son, is how He lived His life of humble confidence and loving obedience to His Father. 

When you identify with Jesus Christ by grace through faith, your baptism publicly identifies you are a new creation in Christ. Old things pass away, and all things become new! You are a beloved child of God, forever loved by your heavenly Father. He affirms you as His beloved in whom He is well pleased. And because of your belovedness and being affirmed by God, you wholeheartedly desire to love and joyfully obey the Lord. Being beloved and affirmed by your heavenly Father compels you to love and obey your heavenly Father. Love births obedience!

One of the enemy’s most effective tactics is daily assaulting your identity. The Father of Lies boldly whispers in your ear, “You are not enough,” but the Father of Truth gently reminds you, “You are My beloved; you are more than enough.” The Father of Lies says, “You are not capable,” but the Father of Truth says, “You can do everything I want for you.” The Father of Lies says, “You are alone and unloved,” but the Father of Truth says, “I am with you always, and I will love you forevermore.” The Father of Lies says, “You are a big disappointment,” but the Father of Truth says, “I am well pleased with you, My beloved child!” Grasp truth and toss away lies.

God’s Word is your reminder of your identity. Read, study, and apply Scripture to live a life that is truly life. Belovedness cannot be bought with effort or accomplishments; the cross of Jesus Christ has already bought you. Your new owner has given you a new name. Beloved. Favored. When you live out of who you are, there is love and healing. When you live out of who you are not, there is fear and pain. You are His no matter what, and nothing can separate you from the Lord’s love. Speak the truth to resist the enemy’s attempt to steal your identity. Identity theft is one of his most common and most effective weapons. Thankfully, Jesus Christ has overcome the one who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Abide in the Truth to know your identity is foolproof!

Henri Nouwen relates to our struggle:

Personally, as my struggle reveals, I don’t often “feel” like a beloved child of God. But I know that that is my most primal identity, and I know that I must choose it above and beyond my hesitations…You are not what you do. You are not what you have…Look in the mirror each day and claim your true identity. Act ahead of your feelings and trust that one day, your feelings will match your convictions. Choose now and continue to choose this incredible truth. As a spiritual practice, claim and reclaim your primal identity as a beloved daughter or son of a personal Creator.

As Henri wisely says, act ahead of your emotions, and one day they will catch up!

“My beloved is mine, and I am his” (Song of Solomon 2:16).


Heavenly Father, I praise you for being your beloved on whom your favor rests through Christ’s love and in Jesus’ name, amen.


What lies about my identity do I need to let go of, and what truths do I need to grasp? 

Related Reading

John 15:5; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:9

Worship Resource

Adrienne Liesching: In Christ Alone


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