February 22, 2022

Gratitude About Rearview Moments

Written by Shana Schutte

The way God may choose to show His love and goodness to you may not be what you imagine.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – February 22, 2022

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:26

Last weekend, I had a “rearview mirror moment.” Meaning, when I looked back at the past, things made sense that were confusing and hurtful before—and I sobbed in gratitude. 

My bonus son and daughter-in-law came to visit my husband and I with our new granddaughter, who is just a tiny 4-1/2 months old.  While everyone went to get ice cream one evening, I stayed at the house with our new cutie. She sat in her car seat on the kitchen floor while I loaded the dinner dishes into the dishwasher, then I sat with her and looked into her big, brown eyes and cried tears of gratitude. 

“Thank you so much, Lord. Thank you so, so much.” 

All I could think of was how the pain of my prolonged singleness contrasted so greatly with the joy of my present. Prior to finally marrying at 46, I experienced much disappointment and heartbreak about not tying the knot earlier and not having my own children.  I doubted I would ever marry, and I grieved the biological babies I would never hold.

But now, here as I sat with a baby girl who is not related to me by blood, I was amazed and filled with joy! I am a grandma and I have a granddaughter (and two grandsons)! Only God could have done something so amazing. I told her, “We’re going to have so much fun together!” I imagined skipping rocks with her at the lake, riding bikes, and skiing. She smiled when I told her I am her grandma and my heart melted. I prayed for her and sang Jesus Loves Me to her.

This scripture came to mind: “Then I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten. . .” (Joel 2:25, NASB, 1995)

God is able to redeem years, moments, and situations that seem as if nothing good will come from them. He is able to take what makes no sense in the rearview mirror and bring joy to it. I never even imagined I would become a grandma. I thought it was a gift I had forfeited.

Just a few days before this happy weekend event, I came across an old journal entry from 2016, nine months before my first grandchild was born and before I knew my bonus daughter was pregnant.

“Lord, I just felt like you told me that what I lost by not having my own children will be redeemed in grandchildren . . . that the pain of not having my own children will be redeemed in being a grandmother, just like you did for Naomi in the Book of Ruth.”

Indeed, this is exactly what has happened. How good He is! I can’t imagine being happier or more thankful.

In the sovereignty and mystery of God, sometimes his unfolding plan makes no sense in the present. Sometimes we wonder, “God, what are you doing? How could you let this happen?” And we grieve what we do not have—and may not ever have. But it’s only in the rearview mirror that we will be able to see that yes, indeed, He has ultimately made all things right and that He wants to bless us. That’s the promise of Romans 8:28.You may feel that there can’t be any blessing in your life because you haven’t received the blessing you wanted. The way God may choose to show His love and goodness to you may not be what you imagine. Stay open to an unexpected answer and believe He can redeem all things. He can bring good from anything.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).


Lord, help me to trust you even when things look bleak. When life isn’t turning out the way I imagined, help me to remember that you will make all things right. And, if not here and now, in the then and there. There is nothing that you can’t redeem. Help me to live by faith. Amen.


How have you seen God bring about good and redemption from even your most heartbreaking trials and disappointments?

Related Reading

Psalm 69:33; Isaiah 61:1-3; Exodus 34:6

Worship Resource

Keith Green: There is a Redeemer


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