June 18, 2019

Free from Worry

Written by Shana Schutte

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – June 18, 2019

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:27

There are seasons in life that are difficult. Troubles press in and struggles threaten to steal all joy. Then there are other seasons when things seem to be going pretty well and our hearts are granted rest from concern.

I’ve been in the latter season for a while now, and I am so grateful to the Lord for the breather. Things in life are going well, so I haven’t really thought I’ve had too many worries.

But then I read Matthew 6:27 during some quiet moments with the Lord recently and I felt compelled to seek my heart and make a list of any worries I’ve had and pray over them.

What I discovered is that while life hasn’t been stressful and I feel as if I am in a good place emotionally and spiritually right now, there have been numerous worries lingering in the recesses of my mind and heart that I haven’t surrendered to Christ.

I’ve been worried about family and friends, nieces and nephews, bonus kids, my mom, my grandson, husband, the future, getting older, and my health.

And the crazy thing is that not one of the things I’ve been worried about has even happened!

After making a list of all my worries and praying over them, I wrote myself a little note:


You can’t add an hour to your life by worrying. You can’t add any solutions to your life by worrying. Worry is a paralyzer, an immobilizer, a peace robber, a joy destroyer.

Worry makes what you focus on, expand. It makes those things you worry about seem bigger than they really are.

Worry presumes on the future and assumes the worst.

Worry robs your present moments, your joy, your hope.

God does not give you grace where your feet have not yet walked. He does not provide grace for moments that have not yet been or for imaginations that have not yet manifested. He is in the here and now, and not until your feet have touched the ground of tomorrow will He give light for your path.

So, it does no good to worry. You can’t fix anything by worrying. Not one thing. Keep your thoughts in the now and let gratitude for the moment be your companion. This gratitude, coupled with prayer and trust in the One who loves you, will shield your heart from fear.

I hope this has encouraged you to give your worries to Christ and trust Him with your tomorrow and all that concerns you.

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).


Lord, thank you that you hold my tomorrow in your hands and you have already taken care of all that concerns me. For this reason, I choose not to worry. Instead, I give you all of my worries. I trust you and I am grateful for your care. Amen.


Spend some quiet time making a list of your worries and give each one to Christ, expressing your trust in His love, sovereignty, and care.

Related Reading

Psalm 34:17; John 16:33; Psalm 9:9-10; 1 Peter 5:10

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