May 13, 2019

Food For The Soul

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – May 13, 2019

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path. Psalm 119:103-104

This morning, as I reflected and read, my stomach rumbled with hunger. Within a few minutes, like manna from heaven, my wife Rita surprised me with a small, warm plate of soft scrambled eggs, nicely enhanced with melted goat cheese and sautéed spinach. My first few bites veiled a heightened sense of appetite, soon to be tamed by the savory, satisfying and simple feast. Similarly, my soul hungers—famished for morsels of love, hope and grace prepared by God. Honey from the Lord’s hive of wisdom bursts forth with intense flavors awaiting a palate of faith.

Spurgeon describes these writings of David as the “Golden Alphabet“. They are precious because the words of the Lord are more valuable than gold. All other currencies of “worldly wisdom” are cheap counterfeits compared to the profound, but practical precepts from God, clearly leading us on the right path through life. A path not without problems, but accompanied by our Savior Jesus and His solutions. Each word of God brings an element of spiritual nutrition and when digested in the Spirit brings the soul strength and peace. Uniquely, beautifully curated by Christ.

“I [Jesus] am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world” (John 6:51).

Jesus was the Word that became flesh. His incarnation invites all who trust Him to experience His life. Just as the Israelites depended on manna from heaven, so we as followers of Jesus depend on Christ, the Bread of Life, coming from heaven and infusing our life with His abiding life in us. By faith we feast on His love and in the process grow our capacity to love others. The written word (Scripture) and the living Word (Jesus), combine to give us wisdom for living. To know Christ, the Living Word, is to love the Bible, the Written Word. This is Christ’s catalyst for change.

I like how Dallas Willard describes the transformation process of true disciples of Jesus:

Sometimes in churches we work to get people to affirm stuff, even though they don’t believe in it like they believe in gravity. So somebody will say, “I believe that the Bible is the inspired, authoritative Word of God.” But the Bible says it is more blessed to give than to receive, yet they are not giving. So, do they really believe that the Bible is the authoritative, inspired Word of God? Well, at one level, they think they do, but the most important level of belief is their mental map of reality. What are those perceptions that actually guide how we live, what we do? Because that is simply how reality looks to us. What we want to do is not simply teach doctrine and get people to affirm it. We want to help people have the same mental map that Jesus had of how things are. Living in Christ’s Presence: Final Words on Heaven and the Kingdom of God.

“Eat honey, dear child—it’s good for you—and delicacies that melt in your mouth. Likewise knowledge, and wisdom for your soul—Get that and your future’s secured, your hope is on solid rock” Proverbs 24:13-14, The Message).


Heavenly Father, I desire to feast by faith on your written Word and in the living Word of your son Jesus, in His name I pray, amen.


What is the state of my soul, exhausted or energized? How can I feed my soul?

Related Reading

Proverbs 9:1-6; Matthew 26:26; John 14:10; 1 Peter 1:23; Revelation 10:9-10

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By faith we feast on Christ’s love and in the process grow our capacity and desire to love others. #WisdomHunters #soulfood

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