March 25, 2019

Enjoy Your Work

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – March 25, 2019

So I saw that there is nothing better for men than that they should be happy in their work, for that is what they are here for, and no one can bring them back to life to enjoy what will be in the future, so let them enjoy it now. Ecclesiastes 3:22, Living Bible

Do you enjoy your work? Do you really enjoy your work? There have been seasons in my career  work was not fun. In fact it was drudgery. My health was affected, my emotional state fragile and my mental condition foggy. So what did I do when I didn’t know what to do? Going to work was like looking forward to a root canal or a firing squad. Thankless, boring, not challenging, a dead end road. When I was younger, I had more energy than sense, so I just worked harder. But now, a few years down the road, I look for a better way. “Lord how can my work be fulfilling for you?”

Solomon, the writer of Ecclesiastes, was either in a mid-life crisis striving to learn contentment or he was moving on to something more significant in his career. God made us to work. Labor is our blessing to enjoy and our burden to bear. There is nothing more fulfilling than to feel the Lord’s pleasure in our job and nothing more distressing than to feel fear and frustration in just grinding out a living. Solomon knew first hand the wisdom of enjoying work now and not being deceived into thinking somewhere in the future wealth would bring happiness. Enjoy your work now.

“A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?” (Ecclesiastes 2:24-25).

Is your labor led by your love for the Lord or for your love of another competing idol? Without God’s will in the middle of your motivation to make money, money will become a distrustful tyrant over your faith, family and work. Maybe Christ has you in a place of service and influence to convert the work culture towards your values of: others first, wisdom (what is the wise thing to do?) and/or personal/professional growth. If cultural change is not an option now, the Spirit may lead you to serve where your values align with another company’s culture. Enjoy your work now.

It may be an appropriate time to get away from work, be still and be quiet before the Lord. Ask  His vocational vision for your life. Don’t settle for a paycheck to just pay bills and feed your family (though this is admirable). Acknowledge seasons of testing and trials in your toil, knowing you can enjoy your work when it’s hard. Pray, how can I use my expertise and experience to best love people and honor God? Fulfilling work is Christ’s best for you. Like an ocean closes over a diver, dive in with Jesus and allow His peace to securely cover you. Enjoy your work now.

“In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—for he grants sleep to those he loves” (Psalm 127:2).


Heavenly Father, use my enjoyment of work to bring joy to others, in Jesus’ name, amen.


Am I enjoying God’s best in my career or do I need to consider other options?

Related Reading

Genesis 3:17; Proverbs 31:31; John 4:34, 17:4; 1 Timothy 5:18

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Like an ocean closes over a diver, dive in with Jesus and allow His peace to securely cover you. #enjoywork #wisdomhunters

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