November 28, 2010

Disagreements Division

Written by Wisdom Hunters

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today- November 28, 2010

“They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord.” Acts 15:39-40

Two very good people can have two very good opinions. Their opinions may be opposing, but both of their applications may be good. This is why it is OK to disagree. In fact, disagreement may be necessary in some cases to promote God’s agenda. You might not be where you are today were it not for someone’s disagreement. Disagreements can easily propel you forward in the right direction. Do not fear disagreements.

Instead, fear what might happen if you fail to disagree. The fruit of incompetence might have continued were you not bold enough to disagree. You might stew in your frustration as it turns to rage without the outlet disagreement provides. If you don’t disagree, you will become angry with yourself for not standing up for what you really think.

Therefore, do not let a relational bully push you around. Stand up to his manipulative façade and face him with the facts of the situation as you see them. He may try to “bob and weave” his way out of your definition of the surrounding circumstances, but be willing to stand your ground with grace and conviction.

It is OK to disagree. If two people always agree, then one of them is unnecessary. This is the genius of marriage. There will be disagreements in every marriage. But use the disagreements to help grow your relationship to its greatest potential, while rooting out bad habits. Your spouse may disagree with you because they love you and want only the best for you. They love you enough to not allow you to remain where you are. Your spouse is your biggest fan. You lose if their concerns revert to silence because of your rejection over any disagreements. Instead, leverage your disagreements into making you both better. For example, she desires to wait on an investment because of her financial conservatism; so, a wise husband waits. He waits to honor her, and he waits by trusting God for the right timing!

There may even be times to separate from a friend over a disagreement. You have made suggestions that seem to have fallen on deaf ears. You are frustrated and feel that there is a better way. Both of you believe God is on your side. This is a situation where prayer is paramount. Pray for a spirit of reconciliation, not rejection. Pray that you will value the other person despite the definite disagreement. Pray for an attitude of respect and understanding as you work through this process of disagreement. Indeed, it is much easier to ignore this 800-pound elephant in the room, but ignoring just delays the consequences and compounds their effect.

So, seek an amicable division of relationships and resources. Be fair so that both of you can hit the ground running for God. Be honest and forthright with your needs, but bend toward the needs of your friend. God will bless your open and unselfish spirit. This prayerful process, pregnant with godly counsel, is what God blesses.

He may very well multiply the division resulting from your disagreement. It may be a matter of emphasis. God will bless your emphasis on grace, and will equally do the same with your friend’s emphasis on truth. Satan tries to thwart and destroy through disagreements.

However, God uses disagreements to create and build His Kingdom. Disagreements can be a diving board into a deeper walk with Christ. Do not be afraid to go there. Disagreements divide us over ideologies and methods, but, over time, they draw us closer to God and each other!

Taken from the November 19th reading in Boyd Bailey’s Seeking Daily the Heart of God. This 365 day devotional book is a compilation of the reader’s favorites from Wisdom Hunters daily devotional. Andy Stanley says, “I have walked with Boyd for over 20 years and I am definitely wiser for it. You are going to love this book!”

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