October 6, 2023

Aside to Abide

Written by Boyd Bailey

Jesus modeled and taught the essential discipline of coming aside to abide with Him.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – October 6, 2023

He [Jesus] took the twelve [disciples] aside. Luke 18:31, NKJV

A healthy life is a complementary life. Complementary in the sense of two opposite experiences that bring meaning and fulfillment in a way that is life-giving when experienced alone. Many have experienced special relationships that, over time, grew intimate with focused time together and, when separated for a season by geographic distance, brought hearts together with a fondness of dedicated devotion and celebratory memories. Henri Nouwen illustrates the spiritual implications of complementary living, “Somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, that without distance closeness cannot cure. Somewhere we know that without a lonely place, our actions quickly become empty gestures. The careful balance between silence and words, withdrawal and involvement, distance and closeness, solitude and community forms the basis of the Christian life and should, therefore, be the subject of our most personal attention.” As Nouwen insightfully describes, distance can help relational closeness discover a cure and, in the process, grow a deeper love. 

Jesus, knowing the time was at hand for Him to go up to Jerusalem in loving obedience to His Father’s heart, took the disciples aside so they could abide with Him and be reminded by Him. Reminding those closest to Him of His pending persecution, physical suffering, cruel death, and life-giving resurrection, the temporary distance from Jesus that the disciples would feel and experience would eventually be filled by the Holy Spirit. But during the parenthesis of time between Jesus’ arrest and Pentecost, there would be denials, shame, guilt, forgiveness, and a glorious resurrection. The Holy Spirit beautifully brought into the hearts and minds of the disciples the example of the teachings of Jesus that they heard and began to learn when they were alone with Him, and in those fearful moments, they felt separated from their Savior and Lord. Jesus modeled and taught the essential discipline of coming aside to abide with Him. 

Oswald Chambers accents this idea of intentionality in maintaining our relational health with God, “The most important aspect of Christianity is not the work we do but the relationship we maintain and the surrounding influence and qualities produced by that relationship. That is all God asks us to give our attention to, and it is the one thing that is continually under attack.” 

Remove from your thinking that you are not important or worth the God of the universe spending time with you. Not only do you matter to your heavenly Father, but He adores and cherishes you. Softly and tenderly, the Holy Spirit woo’s you, the Son intercedes with you, and the Father longs to love you. The desire of perfect love is to strengthen you and resource you for divine purposes. The prophet Daniel reminds God’s people, “But the people who know their God shall be strong and do great things.” (Daniel 11:32, TLB,). As your knowledge of God grows, the clarity of His purpose for your life comes into sharper focus. The Spirit infuses you with spiritual stamina to follow through in faith, knowing you have a hope informed out of intimacy with the Almighty. 

When, not if, you experience relational distance from the divine, ponder the sweet memories of joyful worship, and the painful times of fearful tears, as an opportunity to invite in the ongoing experience of God’s faithfulness to fill your mind and comfort your heart. Silence may be beckoning since loud places, and people totally occupy your time and space. You may be drowning in service to others, if so, take a break and let Jesus bring you aside for you to abide. Ask the Holy Spirit to serve your soul that is malnourished from selfless service. By faith, feast on physical rest, mental renewal, and emotional care. Even a break from community into a space of solitude will help you appreciate the depth of love for each other and how desperately you need the foundational community of the Father, Son, and Spirit. Come aside to abide in perfect love. Your complementary living will grow in grace and love as you engage in differing experiences.  

 “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings” (Philippians 3:10, NKJV).


Heavenly Father, grow my trust in you as I set aside time to be with you in silence and solitude through Christ’s love, and in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Consider this Wisdom Hunters Free Resource: 7 Ways to Pray

Related Reading

John 15:4-5; 2 John1:9; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 2:6, 3:1-3

Worship Resource

Kari Jobe/Take 2: Nothing Else + The Heart of Worship


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