May 15, 2019

A Loving Relationship With God Praises Him

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – May 15, 2019

At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do. Luke 10:21 

Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and full of joy over God’s revelation of truth. His joy exploded in thanksgiving to His Heavenly Father. Knowledge of The Holy is hidden from the intellectually proud, but is revealed to the humble in heart. Self proclaimed sages could not see what babies in the faith came to understand: Jesus Christ was the son of God. Prophets and Kings longed to see and hear from the Messiah, but the meek disciples were the first to experience their Savior Jesus. It is an extraordinary gift to see with eternal eyes what the Lord has for those who love Him.

We pinch ourselves knowing that through the Holy Spirit we can know God. Our Heavenly Father is available to show us Himself and to reveal to us His will and His ways. What conceited scholars miss, we can receive through a humble and contrite heart. Our Lord chose us to champion His truth, because our human credentials are very modest compared to the surpassing glory of our Savior Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit reveals to us what we need to know for today’s decisions.

As a sovereign King has control over a country, the Spirit is sovereign over truth’s revelation.

The whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest (Luke 19:37-38)!”

Point to Ponder: Praise to Jesus positions us to deflect the praise of people as a sacrifice of worship to the Lord God Almighty.

Joy wells up in our hearts and explodes into thanksgiving when we recall the revelation of God. His Spirit convicted us of our need to repent of our sin and receive Christ and His love as the payment of our sin. We rejoice knowing our name is written in heaven. It is an extraordinary blessing to have the assurance of eternal life with the Lord and all those who love Him. Indeed, we thank our Father for the privilege and opportunity to learn how to walk with Jesus and invite others to know Him. We are Christ’s channel to reveal grace and truth to needy souls.

How can you express gratitude to God for the forgiveness of your sins? What are some evidences of the joy of the Lord in your life? Praise and thanksgiving to the Almighty are fruits of your joyful heart. You thank Him when you see the smile on the face of a loved one stricken by a stroke, who, unable to speak, can hum hymns and tear up at the reading of God’s word. Oh yes, the revelation of Jesus Christ is extraordinary to those with an eye on their eternal dwelling!

“Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him”( Psalm 33:1).

A Prayer for Loving Like Jesus

Dear Jesus—lover of my soul,

When I bow in humility, you lift me up by your generous love,

When I sing joyful praises, you fill my heart to overflowing with your abundant love,

When I weep tears of sorrow, you soothe my soul with your comforting love,

When I timidly share my doubts, you boldly infuse my faith with your confident love,

When I am unsure of what to do, you pour out your loving wisdom to show me the way,

When fear floods my feelings, you flush me clean with your perfect love,

When conflict crushes my spirit, you meld the pieces together with your healing love,

When I am weary, you provide rest with your peaceful love,

Lover of my soul, I lean into your lavish love, so I might love others for you, and to you,

Thank you precious Jesus for embracing me for who I am, and for releasing me to be a radical

lover of you and others, 


“God loved us first, so we could love others” (1 John 4:19).


Dear Lord, I give you praise for being my Lord and Savior, in Jesus’ name, amen.


In what area of my life do I need to deflect praise and give glory to God?

Related Reading

Daniel 2:22, 28; John 1:18; 1 Corinthians 1:26-29; 1 Peter 1:10-12; Revelation 20:12

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Knowledge of The Holy is hidden from the intellectually proud, but is revealed to the humble in heart. #wisdomhunters #praiseGod

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