November 18, 2019

A Loving Face

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – November 18, 2019

Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord. Psalm 4:6

Over a year ago I woke up in Snowmass, Colorado to a breathtaking display of the Lord’s light show. My back door opened to a fortress of 12,000 foot mountain peaks with pockets of snow hidden in the shadows of the rocks, as their frozen fate faded fast. In listening prayer, the Spirit nudged my heart to consider the rays of sunlight as beautiful beams of my heavenly Father’s all encompassing love. Be still Boyd—and My love will shine over every inch of your being— affirming the healthy and revealing the unhealthy. With my hurried life on pause, God’s peace prevailed out of the worship of my Creator through His creation. A stilled life is able to be loved.

What does it mean for the light of the Lord’s face to shine upon us? One element is the warmth of His love that melts our cold hearts. When immersed too long in a cynical culture, we grow jaded and unable or unwilling to find any good in a bad situation or any future potential in a person hard to love. But the Lord’s light of love reminds us of how undone we are without His grace and forgiveness. We back into a dark cave of cynicism unless the light of His love leads us out into the openness of a caring community. His loving light leads us and instructs us to love like He loves.

As the old hymn says, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into His wonderful face, and the cares of this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of wonderful grace”.

What is the outcome of being still, face to face with Jesus? One aspect is the security of seeing with eyes of faith, the caring face of Christ. When we have face time with our Savior, He is able to assure us with His peace. I am with you through this relational conflict to extend My forgiveness, so you are able to forgive. I am with you through this financial challenge to reveal My wisdom, so you are able to make the best decision. I am with you through this season of fear of the unknown, so your faith can grow and you can rest in My grace. When we look into the face of Jesus, we see sympathy and a way forward. Faith gazes into God’s eyes and is well loved!

Who needs face time with you? A friend. A spouse. A sibling. A child. A grandchild. A parent. A colleague. An enemy. Your caring face and encouraging eye contact may be what’s needed to grow their faith and give them the courage to do the next right thing. Eye contact is the pathway to engage the heart and educate the mind. Maybe you need to start by apologizing and asking forgiveness to clear the way for intimacy and perhaps instruction. You take the first step of vulnerability and hope for a reciprocal response; if not be content knowing you did the right thing. Most of all, look into the face of Christ and help others luxuriate in the light of His love.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1-2).


Dear Lord, by faith I look into Your loving face and ask for Your love to light up all my being, so Your glory may be on display in my life, in Jesus’ name, amen.


Who needs face time with me, so I can comfort, love and perhaps instruct?

Related Reading

Psalm 27:8-9; Isaiah 2:5, 30:26; Acts 13:47; Ephesians 5:8; 1 Peter 3:12

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We back into a dark cave of cynicism unless the light of God’s love leads us out into the openness of a caring community. #WisdomHunters #Jesus #love

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