August 21, 2016

Non-Victim Mindset

Written by Boyd Bailey

Non-Victim Mindset 8.21

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – August 21, 2016

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  Romans 8:37

Followers of Jesus are not victims, they are victorious and more than conquerors. You have overcome because Christ has overcome. There is no need to give in to the temptation of victimized thinking. A “woe is me” attitude places the focus on you instead of your Savior. Victims seek sympathy from unsuspecting souls. Their desired outcome is for you to feel sorry for them. Ironically, their goal is to make you feel guilty for their sorry state of mind. They want someone else to fix their circumstances.

Meanwhile, the victim remains immobile while stuck in a fear-based quagmire. Victims refuse to take responsibility, but when you take responsibility for your choices and your circumstances, you cease to be a victim. People who languish in a victim mindset do not last very long. Their life’s inertia gets them nowhere, and they finally experience the self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.

On the contrary, Christ frees you from the vicious cycle of victimized living. Christ is your confidence and the object of your faith. He gives you the security and strength to carry on even when you feel misunderstood, marginalized, or rejected. People who embrace victimless living get on with life. They shed feeling sorry for themselves and begin to serve others. They lift their discussions from the depths of despair to the heights of hope.

Non-victims need God and people for the sole purpose of obeying Christ’s commands. This is a healthy dependency that leads to overcoming the obstacles of fear, failure, and faithless living. Therefore, do not allow your circumstances to define you. Christ has already defined you as more than a conqueror through Him. You are victorious in Him.

Moreover, help those seduced by and stuck in a victim mindset. Be patient while they process what possesses their thinking. Help them break what may be a family trait of defeatist living. Their parents may have been victims. Their grandparents may have been victims. For generations back, their legacy may have been marred by a victim mindset. Through Christ, lead them to break the chain of this corrosive thinking. Help them discover that they need people to pray for them, not to feel sorry for them. They need the power of God to prevail in their lives; they don’t need the manipulation of man. They can rise out of the mire of a victim mindset by placing their family, faith, and friends in the care of Christ.  

Jesus has overcome pain, suffering, and death. He transforms His children from victims to victorious followers. Therefore, be authentic in your adversity and honest about your fears and frustrations, but offer solutions not complaints. Pray for the power of God to fall fresh on you, for by faith, you can go from victim to victor. Because Jesus has overcome, you have overcome. The Bible says, “…the Lamb will overcome them because He is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with Him will be His called, chosen and faithful followers” (Revelation 17:14b).


Related Reading

Today’s reading is taken from Boyd’s most popular book: Seeking Daily the Heart of God, a 365 day devotional.

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